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Postcard Portraits
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Reverend Daly
This year the Reverend Daly has been freed from the constraints of St Peter's as he leaves us, but not before he takes a quick "pit stop" at Postcard Portraits!
So... which three people would you invite to a dinner party?
After stating that it would be too ambitious if Jesus were included, his three guests are:
St. Paul - because of his influence on Western Christianity.
John Donne, the Dean of St Paul's Cathedral, because of how he "enjoyed life in London"
George Herbert, a priest who was also a poet.
What was your best moment?
Having had a number of special moments, he told us of the time when he was appointed as a priest at Sherborne Abbey. He replied back to a greeting from the Classics Department of Sherborne School in Latin, leading to a momentous applause. The Leavers' Service is claimed to be his best school service, with its "moving addresses".
What was your worst moment?

Having experienced events during his career which we simply could not include in in this magazine, the Rev. Daly did tell us of a funny event which happened ten years ago.
A certain fifth former on his last day of school exploded some jelly onto the roof of the RS classroom; the stains are still visible today.
Another event which he related was when he was doing his Friday night rounds in the Manor and entered a room where a student was lying on the floor playing the guitar wearing only a "thong".
Did you always want to be a priest?
Not always. I did toy with the idea of becoming an actor. The only other occupation I considered was to be an airline pilot, as I like flying.