unique and was also matched by Wendy's dedication to
Peter's she and Helen recognised that Wendy was on the
teaching; first at the Bar Convent, then Bootham and finally at St
warpath as a set of bibs had gone missing. Fearing that they were
Peter's. It was her sporting ability that brought Wendy to us in December 1982, just three months after I came here to teach. We have seen six headmasters, including two interregnums, come and go in that time and are now onto the seventh; As with all of us, they came to understand that it was probably in their
implicated in this heinous crime, they hid in the Wendy house in CPS as their Head of Department left the sports centre. Sadly Wendy was then engaged in conversation by colleagues, pupils and parents for the best part of an hour!! Rather stiff and a bit like Cagney and Lacey they finally emerged from their cramped confinement determined never to lose a bib again.
best interests not only to listen to Wendy, but also to agree with
Wendy was utterly fearless of authority and at times
her as they would do so in the end and it simply cut out all the
dismissive of it. Her own natural presence meant that she could
hassle! In Wendy's time with us she has presided over the development of an outstanding games programme for the girls. Recent inspector's reports include the following statements; "The physical skills and ability attained in lessons was higher than expected; skills were learnt quickly and applied successfully. Planning and organisation were important features of a programme that was relevant, challenging and appropriate to all abilities. Pupils' attitudes to learning and behaviour were exemplary, showing high levels of motivation, confidence and enthusiasm for physical education" Wendy never let the standard of behaviour, dress, competitiveness and sportsmanship amongst the girls falter beneath her own very exacting standards. Once reminding a rather bemused Headmaster that it was best to be sure of your ground before questioning her approach; "I know not all the pupils at the school wear the right kit but the girls do, do you want me to drop my standards??" As her own department can testify she had high standards for them to; .....just after Justine was appointed to St
never understand the need to have titles or positions in order to get a job done; she just did it without fuss. Her ability to deal with middle school make-up, ear piercings, bare midriffs, ridiculous attempts at off games notes, boys ties, skirt lengths etc, without any compromise, was legendary and the fact that so many you recalcitrants are here today is testimony to her effectiveness. Every single girl who has been through the school in the last thirty years has benefited from her desire to emphasise success at the top end and also to demand properly coached participation for all; B and C teams really did matter to Wendy. Theodore Roosevelt's famous address in 1909 sums up Wendy's approach to coaching as well as anything I can find. "It is not the critic who counts. Not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who
The Peterite 2011-2012