The Peterite 2011-2012

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United Kingdom Mathematics Trust Challenges 2011-2012 Senior Team Challenge National Final In November Vicky Zhang, Josh Cooper, Daniel Spencer and Ivan Wang won the Regional Final of the United


Mathematics Trust Senior Team Challenge, at Fulford School. As a result they were invited to compete in the National Final in London in February. Over 1025 teams entered the national competition and it was a significant achievement for the St. Peter's team to qualify as one of the sixty three best teams in the country, and to finish twenty third in the competition. They prepared thoroughly and worked extremely hard during the day on a range of challenging mathematical tasks. They found the first round demanding, but were very impressive in the other two

Intermediate Mathematics Challenge This challenge is targeted at the top third of pupils in English

rounds scoring full marks on round three and almost full marks on

Schools. The question papers are designed to make students think

round two.

by using mathematical techniques to solve non-standard

Senior Mathematics Challenge This challenge encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using mathematical techniques. In November thirty one St. Peter's 6th form students took part. 13 received Bronze Awards, 5 gained Silver and Cold Certificates were awarded to Tory Barrett, Jessi Cai, Josh Cooper, Zac Lu, Vicky Zhang, Ivan Wang, Daniel Spencer & Alex Wan.

Senior British Mathematical Olympiad and Kangaroo

problems. In February, 133 St. Peter's students took part, with 33 pupils achieving a gold certificate, 44 a silver and 32 a bronze. Due to their excellent performance in the challenge, Alex Wan, Amy Dodds, Alex Payne, Patrick Copley, James Field, Alistair Duffey, Gemma Willink, Zoe Pindar, Max McLeish, Min Lee, Eleanor Dobson, Lee Morgan, Hannah Lawrence and Will Kimpson were invited to sit the European Kangaroo paper.

well as mathematical understanding and pupils from over forty countries in Europe and beyond took part.

Due to their high marks in the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge

The questions

involved thought-provoking situations requiring the use of logic as Lee, Min and Alex

performed very well achieving Certificates of Merit.

six students were invited to take part in higher rounds of the competition in December. Jessie Cai, Zac Lu and Tory Barrett sat

Intermediate British Mathematical Olympiad

the new one hour Senior Kangaroo Challenge with Jessie and Zac being awarded Certificates of Merit. Vicky Zhang, Ivan Wang and Dan Spencer were all invited to take the British Mathematical Olympiad Paper. The BMO lasts three and a half hours and contains six complex and involved mathematical problems for which full written solutions are required. Dan and Vicky performed extremely well, achieving distinctions.

Junior Team Challenge In April Alec Moayyedi and Christian Brennan, together with Katherine Spencer and Luke Dunsmore from St. Olave's, competed in the Regional Final o: UKMT Team Challenge, at thejf Mount School.

28 teams

competed. There was a group competition, a crossnumber, a head-to-head and a relay race. They worked very hard during the day on these activities and finished 8th overall.

The Peterite2011-2012

Chris dePlanta de Windenburg, George Gao, Alec Moayyedi, Christian Brennan and Wendy Wan were all invited to sit the United Kingdom

Mathematics Trust



Olympiad following their outstanding performance on the Intermediate Maths Challenge in February and each achieved a Certificate of Merit This is a national competition and only the best mathematicians are able to cope with the very challenging questions. DJS

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