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High Jump (open).—i, E. G. Bullen ; 2. R. P. Crawford
from July 1925
by StPetersYork
Played On Monday, March 3oth, the O.P's. winning by 6 goals to 3. The School played far below the form previously shown during the season, staleness being the chief reason. The O.P's. played well individually, but lacked combination. For the School E. G. Bullen and C. J. Wilcox played well and for the O.P's., Leversedge. K. G. Chilman, and J. Tasker.
For the School S. M. Toyne, Esq. (I), G. A. Delgado (I), and J. Scholefield scored.
For the O.P's. J. Tasker (3) K. G. Chilman, Esq. (2), and L. F. Leversedge (i).
The draw and results of the House Hockey matches were as follows :- Rise 1 Grove v. v. Grove Manor I Rise Grove.
School House v. Day Boys v.
School House J
In the first round the Rise beat the Manor after a good game. In the second round the School House beat the Day-boys and the Grove beat the Rise easily. Thus leaving the School House and Grove in the final.
This game was finely contested and was one of the best House matches ever seen on the ground.
The half-time score was I—r. After the change the play became very fast and when the whistle blew the score was 3-3. It was then decided to play io more minutes, 5 each way. No goal being scored, however, the experiment was repeated with the same result. The third and last time, however, two minutes before time, the Grove scored and the School House failing to equalise, the Grove became Cock House.
Goals were scored for the House by G. A. Delgado, N. H. Sutcliffe, and G. B. Robinson, and for the Grove by Scholefield () E. G. Bullen and N. Dobree. For the House G. A. Delgado, K. H. Chapman, and J. N. Bullen played well, and for the Grove, Scholefield, E. G. Bullen, McGuffie, and Wilcox all played excellently.