2 minute read
Elevation of Proposed New Library Block
At the last large gathering of Old Peterites on the day of the signing of the Peace Treaty, a list was published of the War time Honours gained by Peterites. On this occasion of the 1300th Anniversary of the Foundation of the School, many Old Peterites who have not visited the School for some years, in fact many who have not seen it this century, will he here. Especially for their benefit, the Honours List will include all manner of distinctions since 1919. To show the varied interests, this list will contain more than merely academic successes though these are placed first. An interesting feature is the number of names which occur in both lists. History Scholarships and Exhibitions head the list with 9 at Oxford and Cambridge—the most notable being Open Scholarships, Worcester College, K. H. Rhodes ; Peterhouse, Cambridge, M. E. Reed ; Holroyd Scholarship, Keble College, Oxford, J. C. Rodgers. After taking his scholarship M. E. Reed gained 1st Class Hist. Tripos. E. W. Gilbert, after a History Exhibition, Hertford College, Oxford, gained the Herbertson University Prize for Historical Geography. His thesis on Pontefract as a strategic point has since been published. In 1926 he was appointed Fellow of Reading University. Two other post-war Fellowships may he mentioned here, H. Tomlinson, Christ's College, Cambridge, for Architecture ; R. H. Metcalfe (Trinity College, Cambridge), F.R.C.S. Two Honorary degrees have been awarded, at Cambridge to the late Rt. Hon. Sir T. Clifford Allbutt, at Oxford to the Bishop of Carlisle. In Classics, three Scholarships and Exhibitions, T. Watkinson, Hertford College, Oxford, who afterwards gained a 1st Class in Honour Moderations ; R. E. F. Tendall, Clare College, Cambridge ; F. J. Mann, Squire Scholarship, Keble College, Oxford. N. K. Lindsey was awarded an Exhibition at B.N.C., Oxford after 1st Class Criminal Law. In Science, besides scholarships at Glasgow and Durham Universities, A. P. Agnew was 1st in 1st Class Final Honours Schools, and N. G. Ogilvie 1st Class in B.Sc. R. H. StoughtonHarris, 1st Class honours, B.Sc., London University. W. L. Roberts (Clare, Cambridge) and A. Elliott Smith (Clare, Cambridge) gained the Gold Medal for Surgery and a Scholarship for Surgery respectively at University College, London. Both of these played for Cambridge University at Rugby Football and were Captain and Secretary of University College Hospital XV.
H. F. S. Gedge and J. B. Gedge represented Lancashire and the former played for the North of England. E. P. Sewell and F. H. Butterfield gained their " Blues at Sandhurst and the former his