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O.P. News

O.P. News

The O.T.C. goes to camp at Strensall on Tuesday, August 1st.

We congratulate C. H. Perry and J. E. Ruddock on being awarded their School Cricket Colours, and J. W. Stead, J. W. Garbutt, A. V. Mackintosh, J. M. Atkinson, N. A. Newman, and P. N. Baines on their 2nd XI Colours.

At a Pageant of the Church Schools Association, at Wigan, there was a Tableau of St. Peter's School in Anglo-Saxon times.

The correspondent sent us the following account :- " The costumes were absolutely first rate, and the whole tableau made a very fine show.

Many auxiliary properties were made, such as imitation illuminated MSS., a facsimile of an early mediaeval alphabet tablet, etc. ; one boy was furnished with a lyre, another with a 'flute of Castaly' (i.e. shepherd's pipe), and a long bow with a quiver of arrows was a conspicuous feature. Another picturesque detail was a Saxon `Tree of Knowledge.' This was copied in facsimile and stood five feet six inches high in illuminated letters. There was also a model of the whipping instrument. As the school was in the open air, in the angle of the church, between the porch and the nave, the boys generally sat on blocks of stone, whilst the master sat on a large three-legged milking stool of antique appearance. Alcuin, who appeared to approach from the church door, carried conspicuously an illuminated gospel."


To the Editors of " The Peterite," Dear Sirs,

I should like to take this opportunity of thanking all those who have done so much to make our cricket season such a success; especially Mr. Toyne, whose coaching has been invaluable to the first eleven, Mr. Featherstone, who has very ably managed the leagues, Mr. Davis and Mr. Milnes, who have done much to bring out a great amount of latent talent in the Colts. Last, but in no wise least, I should like to thank Mrs. Toyne for her excellent teas, and congratulate her on the new and cooler setting for them.

Yours sincerely,

N. W. D. YARDLEY, Captain of Cricket.

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