10 minute read
O.P. News
from July 1935
by StPetersYork
eto petente dews.
V. W. G. Musgrove ('27-31) was placed in Class III in Part I of the Cambridge Historical Tripos.
J. N. Emery ('27-33) was placed in Class II in Part I of the Cambridge Natural Sciences Tripos.
The Rev. H. N. Hodd, who for the past three years has been curate at Christchurch, Harrogate, has been appointed Vicar of Emmanuel Church, Leeds.
F. P. Marrian ('28-32) has been awarded the B.A. Degree, 1st Division, at Sheffield University.
J. E. Blackburn ('26-30) stroked Manchester University IV in the British Universities Athletic Union River Championship at York. His crew were most unfortunate to lose to Leeds in the final. Blackburn also stroked his crew to the final of the White Rose Challenge Cup (JuniorSenior Fours) event in York Regatta.
M. H. Seed ('26-31) and P. W. Arnold ('27-30) rowed for Bradford A.R.C. in the Londesborough Challenge Cup (Senior Fours) event in York Regatta.
J. B. Deas ('30-33) has received a commission in the Durham Light Infantry Supplementary Reserve.
We congratulate N. W. D. Yardley ('28-34) on winning the Northern Squash Championship played in the School Courts at the end of last term, for the third year in succession. Also hearty congratulations to him on being awarded his Cricket " Blue " for Cambridge.
F. W. P. Lupton ('28-32) has passed the Intermediate Law Examination.
A. B. Sellars ('21-24) continues to captain Yorkshire in the County Cricket Championship with great success.
L. J. L. Wall ('27-30) has successfully passed both parts of the Chartered Accountants' Intermediate Examination.
G. Marwood reached the last eight in the Yorkshire Amateur Golf Championship.
We were pleased to have visits from the following Old Peterites this term : —J. Arnold, L. Atkinson, B. C. Baker, J. B. Deas, J. H. Denby, C. P. Denby, S. Dodds, D. V. Eckert, J. N. Emery, J. Fitton, Jenkins, D. Lyth, F. Murfin, R. Ogley, R. G. M. Quarrie, J. E. Ruddock, J. E. Smart, G. Tankard, W Toulmin
G. P. Easten has just taken his M.A. at Cambridge, and has been appointed " Technical Officer in the Scientific Research and Experiment Department of the Admiralty."
We are very pleased to note, what is a record, that three Fellowships have been obtained by O.P.'s in one year :— J. E. C. Hill—Fellowship at All Souls', Oxford. C. N. Parkinson—Historical Research Fellowship at Emmanuel
College, Cambridge. P. Yunibandhu (Edinburgh University)—Rockefeller Fellowship for Medical Research in America.
H. S. Burrows ('22-26) played second string for Yorkshire at lawn tennis against the Harvard and Yale Universities team, and was successful in both his matches.
Basil Radford ('11-15) is taking part in Emlyn Williams' new play, " Night Must Fall," which is being very well received at the Duchess Theatre, London.
THE OLD PETERITES AT THE SCARBOROUGH HOCKEY FESTIVAL. President : S. M. Toyne, Esq. Manager and Secretary :
D. Norwood, Esq., 106 Knightlow Road, Harborne, Birmingham. Captain : K. G. Chilman, Esq.
The Headquarters of the Old Peterites was at the Royal Hotel, Scarborough, but not all the team stayed there. It is hoped that those taking part in the 1936 Festival will stay at the Royal Hotel for the whole week-end.
It was undoubtedly a great disadvantage to the Old Boys that the annual match against the School XI was cancelled at the end of last term, as this match would have given them a chance to understand each other's play in readiness for the Scarborough Festival.
Despite the lack of combination between the players, the Old Peterites put up a very good fight against Hull and District, whilst they were unlucky to lose their second match on the Saturday. The last day produced some very good hockey, and the old boys fully merited their victory for •they were far and away the more convincing side.
On Saturday night the Old Peterites' team, which included two present Peterites in D. McLean and S. K. Kazerooni, met for dinner at the Royal Hotel.

MATCHES. Played 3, won 1, lost 2.
On Good Friday the Old Peterites, led by K. G. Chilman, played Hull and District on the Scarborough Cricket Ground and were defeated, failing to reply to Hull's five goals.
The Old Boys started with a set back, for R. Ogley was unable to take bis usual place at back on account of a sore throat.
Superior combination in all departments gave Hull and District a somewhat easy victory, but the Peterites had a fair share of the play, and it was mainly the lack of combination between their forwards that let them down.
Hull, however, had the advantage of knowing each other's play, and concentrated on attacks from their right wing, who was fast and always dangerous. The Hull goals came at fairly regular intervals, the majority being the result of fine combination by the forwards—and, to a certain extent, lack of judgment by the goalkeeper. The attack was well backed up by a hard-hitting half-back line. For the winners H. Singleton (3), Wells and Riches scored.
For the Old Peterites C. C. Houghton played a sound game at back.
Team : —S. K. Kazerooni (goal) ; C. C. Houghton, N. W. Smithson (backs) ; D. Lewis (substitute), B. W. Jackson, E. A. Harrop (half-backs) ; R. P. Warin, N. W. D. Yardley, W. Elliott, K. G. Chilman (captain), D. N. Norwood (forwards).
OLD PETERITES, 2 ; OLD BOWDONIANS, 4. (Played on the Corporation Ground on Saturday, April 20th, 1935.)
This match resulted in a win for the Old Bowdonians by four goals to two, and the Old Boys were very unlucky to lose.
The Old Bowdonians scored two quick goals through S. Marland and L. Hesketh. The Old Peterites were again pressed, and following a movement on the right wing Hesketh had his second shot at goal, which hit the posts and was put in from the rebound by J. Gilbody.
After that the Old Peterites, who were playing better than on the previous day, played with more determination, and just before half-time Yardley and Chilman took the ball into their opponents half for the former to score a magnificent goal.
On the resumption both teams played good hockey, whilst for the Old Boys R. Ogley was a tower of strength at right back. The Peterites' second goal was scored by R. P. Warin, following a long pass from Smithson on the left wing.
At this period the game was very exciting, as the Old Peterites were pressing hard, the halves backing up the forwards exceedingly well. After several raids at their opponents' goal an easy scoring chance, with the goalkeeper cut of position, presented itself, but the forwards were very unsteady and shot wildly. Just before the end the Old Bowdonians made the match safe when they added another goal through Hesketh.

Team :— S. K. Kazerooni (goal) ; R. Ogley, P. S. Atkinson (backs) ; C. C. Houghton, B. W. Jackson, D. McLean (half-backs) ; N. W. Smithson, N. W. D. Yardley, W. Elliott, K. G. Chilman, R. P. Warin (forwards)
OLD PETERITES, 2 ; THE SCARBORIANS, O. (Played on the Scarborough Cricket Ground on Monday, April 22nd, 1935.)
Having rested on Sunday, the Old Peterites met the Scarborians on Monday, and defeated them in a fast and interesting game. The forward combination was exceedingly good—R. P. Warin and N. W. D. Yardley being outstanding.
The first half was evenly fought out, and from the start Harris, the Scarborians' goalkeeper, defended his goal admirably, and, but for his stout resistance, the score would have been higher.
The second half was marked by some hockey of very high standard, and following a splendid combination between Chilman, Warin. and Yardley, the last-mentioned scored the Old Peterites' first goal.
D. Norwood and R. Warin, at left and right wings respectively, were always dangerous, whilst K. G. Chilman failed to show his usual accurate shooting, which is generally much to be feared.
The Old Peterites' defence deserves special mention, whilst B. W. Jackson at centre-half always worked hard and was well supported in the field by D. McLean and E. A. Harrop.
Ten minutes before the end R. Warin made the match safe for the Old Boys following an excellent pass by Elliott.
Team : —S. K. Kazerooni (goal) ; R. Ogley, C. C. Houghton (backs) ; E. A. Harrop, B. W. Jackson, D. McLean (half-backs) ; R. P. Warin, N. W. D. Yardley, K. G. Chilman, W. Elliott, D. Norwood (forwards).

The O.P. Squash Club was formed in January of this year, and consequently the first season was necessarily a short one. Three matches were played, and all were won. A strong fixture list is contemplated fcr the coming season, and it is hoped to play matches in all parts of the country. The objective of the Committee of the Club is not to put in the field the five best players every time, but to give all members, of whatever calibre, a chance of a game, and it is hoped that boys leaving School, even if they are not on the School team, will become members of the O.P. Squash Club. The Secretary of the Club is—B. A. C. Gray, " The Grange," Bowdon, Cheshire, to whom all applications for membership should be addressed.
It is hoped to enter a team for the Londonderry Cup next season. This competition was confined to sixteen Public Schools, who were invited to compete, but now it is to be thrown open to all Public Schools.
This match was played in London, and resulted in a win for the O.P.'s by 3 matches to 2. N. W. D. Yardley was at first string for the O.P.'s, and although not in his best form he had no difficulty in beating J. R. C. Yglesias. S. G. S. Pawle achieved a great victory in the best " Pawle manner " over K. H. Read. This was a very fine achievement, as Read is a very experienced player. The scores indicate the closeness of the match, and in the final game when Pawle drew level at 8-8 he chose " sudden death," and his courage was duly rewarded. In the third match, A. V. Mackintosh lost to D. B. Adams. Mackintosh has had rather a disappointing season. He was confidently expected, in many quarters, to win the Drysdale Cup, but failed to find his best form, and was eliminated in the early stages. E. P. Sewell lost to W. R. May, but this was not unexpected, as Sewell was still suffering from the effects of concussion, received on the Rugger field, and was really not fit for a strenuous match. The fifth game between S. Dodds and R. G. Harris actually went into court first, and it looked as though Dodds was not even going to make a game of it. He started very nervously, losing the first game 1-9, but pulled himself together, and eventually won easily. Dodds is a very promising player, and with a little more experience should prove a great asset to the Club.
The scores were: — N. W. D. Yardley (O.P.) beat J. R. C. Yglesias (Lancing), 9-7, 9-7, 9-6. S. G. S. Pawle (O.P.) beat K. A. H. Read (Lancing), 7-9, 8-10, 9-5, 10-8, 9-8. A. V. Mackintosh (O.P.) lost to D. B. Adams (Lancing), 9-2, 5-9, 2-9, 9-4, 6-9. E. P. Sewell (O.P.) lost to W. R. May (Lancing), 9-10, 10-8, 5-9, 4-9. S. Dodds (O.P.) beat R. G. Harris (Lancing), 1-9, 7-9, 9-5, 9-0, 9-3.

This match resulted in a victory for the O.P.'s by three matches to two. Yardley accounted for P. Yorke very easily, and J. W. Stead at No. 3 did well to beat E. S. Field by three games to one.
The scores were :— N. W. D. Yardley (O.P.) beat P. Yorke, 9-7, 9-0, 9-2. F. Smith (O.P.) lost to A. W. Kirkaldy, 3-9, 5-9, 9-6, 4-9 J. W. Stead (O.P.) beat E. S. Field, 1-9, 10-8, 9-6, 9-4. T. B. Bridges beat G. C. Veale, 9-2, 9-7, 9-3. C. B. Robinson lost to J. W. Aspdin, 1 -9, 5-9, 3-9.