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Junior School

Junior School

Often at night sleep was made difficult owing to the terrible noise made by native carts passing by. The superstitious natives thought that noises would scare away evil spirits, and so did not lubricate the cart wheels, which consequently created the most awful groans and squealings imaginable.

There used to be an old peasant who lived miles out in the hills. At regular intervals he would turn up with a basket of wonderfully fresh mushrooms and several beautiful ferns, which he gathered from the banks of mountain streams. In exchange for these, nothing was more welcome to him than a pair of old boots or trousers.

It is horrible to think that the house in which I spew: four happy years is lying ruined in the midst of a city of dead ; and that the faithful native servants have had their lives cut short so suddenly. R.W.

Chapel. preacbers— , 2)'utniner term, 1035.

May 12. IIIrd Sunday after Easter—Jubilee Thanksgiving. The Headmaster. (Collection in aid of King George's Jubilee Trust.) ,, 19. IVth Sunday after Easter—Rev. F. H. Barnby. .„ 26. Vth Sunday after Easter (Service at the Garrison Church, 10-30 a.m.) June 2. Sunday after Ascension—Music. fl 9. Whitsunday—Rev. F. H. Barnby. „ 16. Trinity Sunday—Rev. Chancellor Harrison, M.A. • 23. Ist Sunday after Trinity—The Headmaster. (Collection in aid of the Yukon and Columbia E. Mission.) „ 30. IInd Sunday after Trinity—Music. July 7. IIIrd Sunday after Trinity—Rev. F. H. Barnby. „ 14. Nth Sunday after Trinity—The Headmaster. „ 21. Vth Sunday after Trinity—Rev. F. H. Barnby. ,, 28. VIth Sunday after Trinity—Commemoration Service : The Very Rev. the Dean of York, 10-15 a.m. (Collection in aid of the Exhibition Funds for Sons of Clergy.)

We are very grateful to Miss Osborne for making twelve Purificators for the use of the Altar, in place of older ones which had worn out. Miss Osborne also worked new lace ends to one of the Linen Cloths, and we take this opportunity of thanking her for all the care and time she so generously gave to keeping the Chapel and its furnishings " decently and in order."

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