DAY BOYS. VALETE. W. H. H. Hanks. 1931-1935. Al. School Monitor. Head of Day Boys. Played for 2nd XV, 1934. 2nd XV Colours, 1934. Played for 1st XV, 1934. 1st XV Colours, 1934. Rowed for 3rd IV, 1934. Shooting Team, 1934. Certificate " A." Corporal in O.T.C. J. P. Farrow. 1930-1935. Al. House Monitor. Cadet in O.T.C. A. D. S. Robertson. 1932-1935. A2. G. J. T. Whitehurst. 1932-1935. A2. G. Etherington. 1933-1935. B2. SALVETE. G. W. Harding. B3. H. D. F. Amor. B2. G. G. T. Harrison. B3. J. Banford. B2. F. J. Hamby. B3. K. Johnston. B2. R. C. Lynch. B3. D. T. Rumfitt. B2. R. L. Stead. B3. L. W. Bennett. B3. J. E. England. B3.
exforb letter.
Oxford. December, 1935. Dear Sirs, This term's letter is usually devoted to gibing at the Cambridge Old Peterites. This year it is not our intention to do so. We readily admit that Cambridge is " coming on," and we will say no more, except that we hope to win all the sporting events this year, including the boat race. This term has seen a very wet and bedraggled Oxford. We have suffered violently from floods. Nearly all College football grounds were under water and even the river was too wet. One of our members was involved in a curious accident, described very well by a prominent daily paper. " The crew swept with terrific violence down the river, hitting one of the College barges amidships and breaking it in two. One half of the barge disappeared over the weir and has not been seen since." J. M. Atkinson (B.N.C.) secured a Fresher's hockey trial, and has figured in the sports world at rugger and hockey. He claims to be working hard for next term's exams. R. C. Barras (Lincoln) denies all rumours that he was asked to broadcast for the B.B.C., but holds the Club record for smoking, and has an unending stock of stories. J. A. Brittain (B.N.C.). We must congratulate him on his success in Schools last year. We see him about College but cannot find out what he does. J. P. Farrow (Hertford) is disgusted at having to share a room with somebody who climbs in every morning. He rows.