Dec 1935

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15 J. E. C. Hill (All Souls'). He is at present distributing Old Peterite propaganda in Russia. It is said he has converted Stalin and many others. He has learnt how to make money in seventeen different ways, and how to borrow in seventeen different languages. D. B. Kingsford (St. John's). He is the moving force behind the Club, and, we believe, behind St. John's College. The only thing he can't work is his car. W. Toulmin (B.N.C.) got a Senior's trial at rugger, and subsequently appeared for the Greyhounds and the Varsity. Works very, very hard. C. H. Vasey (Lincoln). We have seen very little of Vasey and conclude that he works and plays hard—or at least does something very hard. We suspect him of rowing. M. P. L 'Wall (Hertford). It was he who broke the Balliol barge, though he declares that he had no intention of sending half of it over the weir, and hopes that it will eventually reappear. Incidentally he is all in favour of lengthening the swimming test in the School baths. He will tell you all about it. We remain, Yours truly, THE OXFORD PETERITES.

Cambrioge /Letter. Cambridge. December, 1935.

The Editor of " The Peterite." Dear Sir, The Cambridge Old Peterites and Cambridge men in general have suffered a great loss in the death of Dr. Alan Gray ; until last year, when ill health prevented him from attending our meetings, he was an active and encouraging President of the Club. Known to senior members of the University for his massive good humour and endless fund of stories, he will long be remembered for the many fine settings, which, as organist of Trinity, he composed. To Mrs. Gray we offer our sincere sympathy. We should like to congratulate the School, and Mr. Toyne in particular, on the successful opening of the new buildings ; the reports of the proceedings reached Cambridge in time for one of the speeches to be quoted in the Union. The sentiments expressed in it certainly seem a little out of place at the present moment, and bore a resemblance to the sayings of a well-known personality portrayed by Low in the " Evening Standard." Cambridge has been a very political place for the last eight weeks ; moves and counter-moves, Tory ramps and Socialist intrigues, have been the order; the name of Baldwin has been alternately dragged in the dust

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