1 minute read
from Sept 1937
by StPetersYork
To the. Editors of " The Peterite." Dear Sirs,
I would like to thank G. S. Stead, Esq., H. A. Wrenn, Esq., and R. M. Cooper, Esq., for their enthusiastic coaching of the various Cricket XI's. I am also grateful to W. N. Corkhill, Esq., for so ably organising the League Cricket, to Roberts for his excellent wickets, and to Elton for giving the 1st and 2nd XI's practice in fast bowling.
Finally, I should like to thank Mrs. Baird for her splendid teas. Yours faithfully, G. E. L. GRAHAM, Captain of Cricket.
To the Editors of " The Peterite." Dear Sirs,
I should like to take this opportunity of conveying the Boating Club's gratitude to Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Ping for their excellent coaching on the river. Our success at Tees was due only to our uninterrupted outings and sound training.
I should also like to thank Mrs. Ping for the delightful supper she gave the 1st Four. Yours faithfully, G. E. SHEPHERD, Captain of Boats.
To the Editors of " The Peterite." BOAT CLUB APPEAL.
It has become essential for the School Boat Club to have two new clinker boats. The last two clinker fours were got second-hand in 1924 and now, after much gallant service, are rapidly getting beyond repair.
Two new boats have been obtained at the cost of £100, and the School is temporarily advancing the money to the Boat Club. But we have undertaken to raise as much as possible of this sum by subscription.
We are therefore appealing to all Old Peterites and to all those who would like to see St. Peter's rowing kept up to its high standard, to contribute, however little (or much), to a New Boat Fund.
Subscriptions should be sent to K. H. Rhodes, Esq. St. Esq., Peter's School, or to A. W. Ping, St. Olave's, Clifton,
Up to July 30th, £53 12s. 6d. has been subscribed, and we should like to take this opportunity of thanking all who have so generously contributed. Yours sincerely, KENNETH H. RHODES. A. WENTWORTH PING. 69