3 minute read
House Notes
from Jan 1938
by StPetersYork
D. IV. 10E. Australian Summer—Neville Cardus. C. I. 6. Mathematics for the Million—L. Hogben. D. VI. 12G. Everest: The Unfinished Adventure—H. Ruttledge.
In opening these notes we should like to take the opportunity of welcoming Mr. Le Tocq, whose interest in shooting will be a great asset to the School. While on this note we would like to express our regret that Matron is leaving us in order to take up a post at the Sanatorium.
Yet another indoor sport has been introduced by the House. In the evenings a well-known organist's form-room has been used as a billiard-room, and we are expecting a " national " cap for this game in the near future.
Several of the studies are rapidly being converted into aviaries, and already boast canaries, Java sparrows and other rare species. We congratulate the Rise on knocking us out of the Inter-House Rugby Competition this term by 6 points to 3 after extra time, in a very hard-fought game.
Congratulations to H. A. Milburn, R. S. Dixon and H. A. S. Hobson on being awarded their 1st XV Rugby Colours ; to T. D. Ambler his 2nd XV Colours.
Finally, we should like to wish Mr. R. M. Cooper the best of luck in his new role as a married man.
It was with deep regret that we learnt last term that Mr. J. H. Stevenson had resigned from the Housemastership of The Rise. Mr. Stevenson has done a great deal for The Rise in the few years that he has been with us, and under him we have seen the foundation of the Old Peterite Club and the starting of an embellishment fund. We should like here to express our deep appreciation of what he has done for us, and our hope that he will visit us frequently in the future. In Mr. Corkhill we know we have a worthy successor, and we feel confident that he will carry on the noble work of Mr. Stevenson. We also learnt of another departure, that of Miss Macgregor, the Matron, who is leaving us in order to get married. We wish her the best of luck in the future.
To turn to sport, in which very little happened last term. In the semi-final of the House Rugger we defeated the School House, the holders, 6-3, in what must have been one of the best seven-a-side games seen at the School for several years. Unfortunately, the final against Temple could not be played, owing to the ground being unfit. We hope to play them this term. Owing to the lack of House sport, no House Colours were awarded last term. We heartily congratulate M. S. Douglas, T. F. Cameron and G. P. G. Stephenson on being awarded their 1st XV Colours, and M. S. Douglas, P. B. Cockburn, J. H. Butler, J. C. Atkinson, C. M. Robson, I. D. C. Morison and J. M. Couldwell on being awarded their 2nd XV Colours.
As usual, during the Christmas term, there has been little or no opportunity for us to add to our laurels in InterHouse events. Even the seven-a-side Rugby, which this year was to have been played this term, had to be cancelled, or, we hope, postponed until next term, owing to a frost which made the final between us and The Rise impossible. However, Temple House was well represented in the School teams, R. C. Lynch, A. T. H. Wright, J. T. Brockbank, K. C. Brown, G. E. Briggs, I. S. McKay and J. A. Wright all having played for the 1st XV. The first four were regular members of the XV, and R. C. Lynch is to be congratulated on gaining his 1st XV Colours. Regular members of the 2nd XV included I. S. McKay, P. Andrew, E. W. Whitney and J. A. Wright, and we congratulate I. S. McKay on being awarded his 2nd XV Colours. L. W. Bennett and E. P. Bulmer also played for the 2nd XV.
Thanks to the energy of Mr. and Mrs. Sykes and the committee appointed at the end of last term, the House . Library came into operation this term, and despite the startling memories of several members of the House, the committee reported " all present and correct " at the end of term.
We have at last had our House photographs framed and hung in the Common-room, and although as yet there are only four of these, they have induced a subtle and satisfactory change in the atmosphere of the room. Another welcome innovation was the provision of electric lighting in the senior studies.