Jan 1938

Page 12

Third Lesson, St. Matthew II, vv. 1-12. Hopkins Choir—" We three Kings of Orient are " Old English Choir—" Good King Wenceslas " Full—" Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning " S. of P., Hymn 59 Fourth Lesson, St. John I, vv. 1-14. Old English Full—" The first Nowell " Collection in aid of the Lord Mayor of York's Christmas Cheer Fund. Doxology—" 0 come all ye faithful " S. of P., Hymn 52 (v. 1 only) An Evening Prayer of Alcuin. The Blessing. Old Yorkshire Recessional—" Wassail Song " A welcome innovation this term was the Choir Supper given in the School House by the Headmaster and Mrs. Baird on the last Thursday of term, which was followed by a sing-song.

LIBRARY. Librarian : Rev. F. H. BARNBY. Assistant Librarians : P. B. COCKBURN, J. T. BROCKBANK, J. A. WRIGHT, J. M. RUCKLIDGE, R. S. DIXON. The following books have been added to the Library during the Winter term :— A. 87B. The Stranger Prince—M. Irwin. 87C. Royal Flush—M. Irwin. 87D. The Proud Servant—M. Irwin. G. VI. 26. Service of Our Lives—Stanley Baldwin. 27. Britain and the Beast—edited by C. WilliamsEllis. M. I. 1. Notre Dame—Victor Hugo. 2. L'Atlantide—Pierre Benoit. 3. Chronique de Charles IX—Prosper Merimee. 4. Le Lys Rouge—Anatole France. 5. Madame Bovary—Gustave Flaubert. 6, 6A. Michael Strogoff (2 volumes) —Jules Verne. M. II. 1.—Comedy in Germany (18th century)—B. AikenSneath (presented by J. C. Rodgers (0.P.) ) . I. 9A, B. Intermediate Geography (2 volumes) —L. D. D. Stamp. H. VIII. 13A. Augustus—John Buchan (Lord Tweedsmuir) . K. IV. 8C. Trade in the Eastern Seas—C. Northcote Parkinson (O.P.). 11

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