May 1938

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for the benefit of the York Field Naturalists Society, we must thank Mr. Ping for inviting us to attend. On the only Saturday night available, Mr. Ping gave a very interesting lecture entitled " How the Water gets into the Tap." This was illustrated by some very good slides, some of which he had made himself, and some of which he had obtained from the Metropolitan Water Board. This lecture did not receive anything like the support which it deserved, and we can only surmise that radio fans are subject to a disease which was formerly supposed to be peculiar to golfers. They still keep on listening, even though the programmes are bad. However, the prospect of the expedition next term will, we feel sure, bring the Society up to its former numbers.

HOUSE NOTES. SCHOOL HOUSE. We had no sooner made the acquaintance of our new matron, Mrs. Gough, than she unfortunately contracted bronchitis. We sincerely hope she has fully regained her health. In the meantime the post was ably filled by Miss Gilpin at short notice. We must congratulate Temple House on beating us at Boating and Hockey. However, we avenged ourselves to no small degree in the Boxing and Squash. We have had five regular members of the School Hockey XI in the House this term, and we congratulate V. L. F. Davin on being awarded his School Hockey Colours and J. S. Garnham on his House Hockey Colours. Congratulations are also due to J. T. Harding on being chosen to play for Durham County P.S. XV v. Yorkshire in the Easter holidays. To turn to a lighter vein, Billiards is increasing in popularity throughout the House, chiefly due to the introduction of a larger table. We are hoping to get a table of our own in the near future. The Model Railway Club continues to progress by leaps and bounds ; this progress is largely due to Mr. Rhodes, who presented sundry rolling stock. We have noticed with much satisfaction that the exterior of the House is being re-painted. We close in the hope that next term will be as enjoyable as this term has been. 16

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