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Mr. Yeld

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With regard to Colours, it was decided that, in future, a Tudor Crown should be added to the Cross-keys for all purposes of sport as far as practicable; also that the 2nd XI fielding cap should have no Cross-keys. It was also agreed that, in Rugger, Cricket, Hockey and Boating, the whole team should receive their Colours at the end of the season, except in exceptional cases. A suggestion for the institution of a Colour Book, in which anyone who is awarded his colours may sign his name, was approved by the Committee.

To the Editor, " The Peterite."

Dear Sir,

My school contemporaries of the " naughty nineties " say that I must send you our tribute to Mr. Yeld's memory, because I have more time than they have. That means going back nearly fifty years, for it was in 1889 that I left the austerity of Mr. Freeman's " Form II " and rose to the dignity of Form III which Mr. Yeld then took. Many like myself owe to Mr. Yeld our awakening to the beauty of the English tongue and of English literature. He made us learn passages of poetry by heart, and I can recall the zest with which he would recite the old Welsh war song:- " The mountain sheep are sweeter, But the valley sheep are fatter, We therefore deem it meeter To carry off the latter."

And, by the way, does anyone now read Scott's " Lady of the Lake " ? As boys we loved it. Geography was a dull subject in those) days, but in Mr. Yeld's form, with steamers and trade routes, it became quite interesting. I was only in his form for a short time and it was in the wider school life that I met him afterwards, where he was a popular and prominent figure. Probably old boys remember him best in connection with " the theatricals." In 1893 Hugh Moss, an Peterite, who was a well-known London actor-manager, came to help Mr. Yeld with the production of the " Merchant of Venice " and an excellent performance was given. (I notice that there was a reference in the epilogue to the " Climber's Guide to the Cogne Mountains " which Mr. Yeld, in conjunction with Mr. A. B. Coolidge, edited in that year). July 1st, 1938.

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