9.—" Blacksmith's Song " (Brahms) " A Festival Chime " (Hoist) " England " (Parry) Augmented Glee Club
THE LIBRARY. Librarian : L. BURGESS, Esq. Assistant Librarians : D. E. BROWN, G. LONG, F. F. STEELE, R. E. DODD, P. L. HORT, J. A. DENISON, R. S. F. WEBBER. There have been numerous additions to the library during the term. Mr. Cooper has presented a large number of books. Many gaps in the Fiction and English Literature sections have been filled up and the Modern Language section, where there was a noticeable scarcity of texts, especially German, has been expanded considerably. This section has also been re-arranged. The books have been split up into their various types, such as Drama, Literary, Biography, etc. Details of this new arrangement will be found on the library notice board. Additions to the English Literature section have made a re-arrangement desirable, but the pressure of other work has prevented it taking place as yet. Work on the upkeep of the library has been continued throughout the term and great attention has been paid to the simplifying of the shelf classification system. The major work undertaken in this direction during the term is the Subject Index, which is intended to supplement, not to supplant, the Author Index. It is divided into the ten main headings of the shelf classification system, to which subdivisions are also related. The main object of this index is to provide a simple guide to the finding of any book on any subject. It is hoped that after the Subject Index has been completed, library users will stop harassing librarians concerning the whereabouts of a certain book or books. It has been decided that, in order to maintain the books in better order, a section or sections of the library are to be allotted to the special charge of each librarian. Any difficulties or suggestions regarding the better arrangement of any section, should be made to the librarian in charge and not to the head librarian. A list of the sections allotted to each librarian is to be found on the library notice board. The librarians would like to draw attention to the need for replacing all books in their correct order. Failure to do 14