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The Scientific Society

K. H. Rhodes, Esq., quoting Dr. Whitmore, said that to have federation there must be natural international friendship, which Dr. Whitmore believed existed. If this was so, stated the speaker, there would be no need for federation, as disarmament would have succeeded, However, it did not, as everyone knows, and therefore Federal Union would not achieve it. He too foresaw that Federation would lead merely to an extension of the scope of war by enlarging the participating units.

After some further speeches Dr. Whitmore replied to some of the arguments against him. In answering the question of wars between federations he pointed out that a federation of, for instance, Britain, France, Germany and America would be so powerful that nobody would dare to attack it. He repudiated claims that Federal Unionists were visionary on the grounds that all who advocated new ideas were classed as such.

On a vote being taken the motion was defeated by 24 votes to 16.

This was undoubtedly the best debate of the term, and it is not out of place to express the wish that both the standard of speeches and of subjects chosen should continue to improve, as they are undoubtedly doing. ,

President : THE HEADMASTER. Vice-Presidents: A. W. PING, Esq., W. N. CORKHILL, Esq., L. C. LE TOCQ, Esq., Dr. B. G. WHITMORE. Hon. Treasurer: A. W. PING, Esq. Hon. Secretary : F. F. STEELE.

Two Saturday evening meetings have been held during the term, the first on January 25th, when Mr. A. W. Ping gave a most interesting lecture, illustrated by a large number of lantern slides. The title was " A Walk in the Country," and Mr. Ping showed a great variety of wild animals, birds, flowers, trees and fishes to be found in Yorkshire. The running commentary on the life and habits of the objects shown gave much useful and interesting information.

At the meeting held on the 22nd of February, Flight Lieutenant Cribb, from a neighbouring R.A.F. station, gave a lecture on " How a Bomber reaches its Objective." There was a good attendance and the lecture was excellent. 24

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