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J. T. C. News

J. T. C. News

asked for. These were easily obtained, and at the beginning of the Summer Term No. 911 (St. Peter's School) Flight of the A.T.C. was formed. Twenty-seven boys joined this, under the leadership of Mr. Bendall, who consented to take charge of the Flight and became an Acting Pilot Officer.

At the beginning of the term, after a test examination, the following N.C.O.s were appointed:—

To be Warrant Officer: R. R. L. Pryer. To be Flight Sergeant : D. D. S. Evans. To be Sergeants: R. S. F. Webber, W. H. W. Ping. To be Corporals : S. H. Beetham, G. E. K. Reynolds.

Throughout the term training took place in navigation, aircraft recognition, morse, machine guns, gas and other subjects.

Three Flight parades and an N.C.O.'s class took place each week. An interesting feature was the frequent visits by R.A.F. officers and N.C.O.s from a nearby R.A.F. station, who gave many lectures on various subjects connected with the R.A.F. These lectures were enjoyed thoroughly by the whole Flight. We would like to thank these officers and N.C.O.s on behalf of the Flight for the trouble they took and in giving us such an enjoyable time.

A special word of thanks is due to Dr. Whitmore, who has given up much of his spare time to giving us instruction in navigation.

During the term two visits took place to an R.A.F. station, where much was learned.

We were shown round the various types of aircraft, and three members of the Flight went for a short flight in a Whitley.

Aircraft were seen preparing for operations, and the N.C.O.s spent an afternoon on the Link Trainer, which gives some of the feeling of actual flight and also provides practice in the use of instruments for blind flying.

Uniforms are beginning to arrive and we hope that next term the whole Flight will have received them.

Quite a lot of technical apparatus is being acquired, and we are expecting an engine and an airframe.

As a whole the Flight has made an excellent beginning, and we hope that the rapid progress already made will be maintained.


Soon after the formation of the A.T.C. Flight it was decided to hold a camp at a Royal Air Force station, whose name we naturally cannot disclose.

Accordingly, on the last day of the term the Flight took up its quarters as the guests of a Vicarage about three miles from the aerodrome.

We should very much like to name our kind hosts, but we cannot do so without disclosing their whereabouts. We would, however, record here that it was largely due to them that all the domestic arrangements at our billet were so excellently carried through and, through the medium of " The Peterite," we thank our hosts for their many great kindnesses to us.

Every day the Flight either cycled or rode on a lorry to the aerodrome, and there training took place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

This was of a varied kind and included parachutes, bombing, Link Trainer, photography, and many other aspects of the work of the R.A.F.

A certain amount of flying was obtained in operational aircraft, which provided much excitement for the Flight.

We cannot say all we would wish about the camp, but we should like to thank all ranks of the R.A.F. concerned with our activities at camp for the great trouble taken by them in giving us such an interesting and enjoyable time, and to say how much we appreciate the great favours bestowed upon us.

As a whole, the camp provided us with much of the right kind of experience necessary for the maintenance of good morale throughout the Flight, and it also proved most instructive and was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

As a final thought, we would like to thank the Messing Officer for the excellent food we obtained throughout our stay. We hope there may be many more camps like this one.


The platoon has had a busy term, with Sunday parades, patrols, and lectures. Two of the Sunday parades were taken up by large-scale exercises, but on neither occasion did our company contact the enemy. There has been some shooting at Fulford and Strensall, where the platoon scored the highest marks.

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