Feb 1942

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The provision of a shelf for outsize books has made necessary a slight re-arrangement of the History Section. As one such shelf has not been found sufficient another one will be allotted for the same purpose at the next opportunity. Work on the upkeep of the library has been continued throughout the term. The Subject Index is now finished, and has been in use since the beginning of the term. It will supply information on the number of books on any subject, and where they will be found. As it is based on the shelfclassification system it cannot answer all inquiries; but it should not now be necessary to pester the librarians continually concerning the whereabouts of certain books. The following books have been added to the library since the last edition of " The Peterite " :— Hodgson Lord Halifax

(Presented by Rev. F. H. Barnby) " Nature," Volume XCIX, CI—CII, CXI; Volumes CXIII—CXXXV A. H. Davis Noise M. J. B. Davy Interpretive History of Flight D. Brunt Weather Science for Everybody Creasey Matter and Motion R. J. W. Le Fevre Dipole Moments Science Master's Note Book. Part I, Physics Edited by G. H. J. Adlam (Series I) Science Master's Note Book. Part I, Physics Edited by G. H. J. Adlam (Series II) W. T. O'Dea Electric illumination R. W. Hutchinson Television Up-to-date F. W. Ashley My 60 Years in the Law (Presented by A. M. Claybourn)

THE NATURAL SCIENCE SOCIETY. Chairman : Dr. B. G. WHITMORE. Secretary : R. E. DODD. Owing to the number of the other interests of last term, the activities of the Society have been limited to two meetings. The first was for a lecture on " Television " by R. R. L. Pryer. The general theme was a survey of the fundamentals of television and transmission and reception by the simple expedient of following the course of the picture from the studio to the viewing screen. Of special interest was the ingenious Emitron camera which was described. The second meeting was open to the whole school, and Dr. Whitmore gave an epidiascope lecture on " Crystal Structure." 20

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