Feb 1942

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congratulated on a performance which was a worth-while contribution to the culture which we are fighting to preserve. The reduced content of this issue will scarcely call for comment or explanation. The primary function of " The Peterite," the preservation of an unbroken record of the activities of the School and of the doings of Old Peterites, remains unaffected.

THE DEAN OF YORK. AN APPRECIATION BY THE REV. CHANCELLOR F. HARRISON. St. Peter's School and the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of St. Peter in York have marched together for many centuries. For upwards of five centuries following the Norman Conquest, the Headmasters of the School were appointed by the Chancellors of the Minster. From the middle of the sixteenth century, every Dean of York, by virtue of his office, has been Chairman of the Governing Body of the School, whether that body consisted of the Dean and Chapter only, or of representatives of the Dean and Chapter and of other bodies. When, therefore, a new Dean of York comes amongst us, St. Peter's School welcomes in him a new Chairman of the Governing Body. The Very Reverend Eric Milner-White has had a distinguished career, one that has helped to fit him in every way to become Dean of York and our Chairman. An old Harrovian, he became a Scholar of King's College, Cambridge, and achieved—what is expected of every Scholar of King's—a " double first," in History, with the coveted Gladstone Prize. The D.S.O. was conferred on him for his services as Chaplain to the Forces in France in the last war, at the end of which he became Chaplain, Dean and Fellow of his college. As Dean, he had charge of the magnificent chapel which was begun by Henry VI and finished by Henry VIII, the chapel the praises of which were sung by William Wordsworth in the sonnet which begins with the lines :— " Tax not the royal saint with vain expense." At Cambridge, the Dean's chief interests were the Chapel, the Choir (with a warm corner in his heart for the choristers, whom he took to camp with him every summer), undergraduates, music, ancient glass, modern pottery, acid (by no means least) the Oratory of the Good Shepherd, of which for a time he was Superior. To the joy of all who know him, his college has made him a Life Fellow. 2

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