There will be no regular meetings of the Glee Club. next term owing to the lack of time, but there will be some gramophone concerts and lectures on convenient occasions. It is hoped that by degrees the School will obtain a wellstocked musical library, and J. P. Corry is to be congratulated on being appointed librarian for the Society. Altogether we can feel more than satisfied with the great progress which has been made in the musical activity of the School.
THE HOUSE CONCERTS. The practice of holding House Concerts in the Easter Term has been continued, and the performances gave conclusive evidence that the idea is already well past the experimental stage. The quality of the productions was, on the whole, definitely higher, and one looks forward with confidence to still greater achievement in future years. The concerts revealed much latent talent and elicited unsuspected powers of original invention. It was particularly gratifying to note not infrequent flashes of cleverness which could raise the burlesques from the level of the merely laughable into the realm of genuine wit. There was evident, too, a greater smoothness in presentation which showed that much more attention than hitherto had been given to the vital work of production and rehearsal. We give below detailed " critiques " of each performance. THE RISE CONCERT.
The Rise set a high standard when they presented their Concert to the School on Saturday, February, 14th. Perhaps its most striking feature was the efficient production of the various sketches and musical interludes. We experienced none of those painfully silent pauses between items, and, in addition, there was a welcome absence of obvious " padding " in the form of noisy, but nevertheless muffled, gramophone records. In retrospect, therefore, one feels that much of the credit for this concert is due to the excellent work of the " backroom boys." A skit on the B.B:C. " Brains Trust " started the show, in which Dodd gave a very witty impression of an erudite professor who was eager to answer the questions before they were even asked. Murray and Penty next gave us a study in criminal psychology, which was followed by two 24