Much interest has been aroused by the arrival of an Armstrong-Siddely " Panther " aero-engine. We have been promised the use of the old fives court as an " engine shop," and it is hoped to start regular classes on the motor before long. With the longed-for arrival of better weather in the Summer months more open-air activity and visits to the R.A.F. may be anticipated, and thus it is with hope and confidence in its success that we greet the coming term.
HOME GUARD. Continuing its perpetually active existence, the School Home Guard Platoon has put in much good work this term, and we have every reason to be pleased with what has been achieved. The new members have all been fully equipped, and it is with justifiable pride that we can record that every person in the School above the age of 17 is now a volunteer member. Training, particularly at the end of term, has been intensive, and we have participated in several exercises. In one large-scale exercise, involving the whole area, an " epic battle " (we believe this is what it is called) was fought between the platoon and a number of "enemy" Bren carriers outside the School gates, snowballs being the chief weapons. Two carriers " destroyed " were allowed to the platoon, an achievement which filled us with pride. At a later period in the term the School was attacked by two other platoons, who delivered a cunningly-executed assault, part of the " enemy " arriving in a civilian van and storming Platoon H.Q. Fighting then become so involved that a halt had to be called, but none the less this exercise was most useful and instructive. Apart from exercises there have been other activities. An afternoon was spent on the open ranges at Strensall, when the platoon did well at firing. About half-term, the platoon did a week of guard nights at Company Headquarters, and towards the end of term the platoon was inspected on parade by the Headmaster. Mr. Dronfield afterwards gave a short address. We would like to thank him here for the amount of interest he is showing in our work and the generous encouragement given. 30