Finally, we were told about amplification and the use of the Thermionic valve in this connection. Bulmer gave a very lucid demonstration of amplification on his wellconstructed apparatus. The lecture was very well presented and was valuable from an instructional standpoint.
THE HOUSE CONCERTS. The house concerts, held at fortnightly intervals in the latter half of the term, provided some bright entertainment, both to the School and to the many parents and friends who filled the gallery of Big Hall on each of the Saturday evenings. The concerts seem to have acquired a distinct flavour of healthy Inter-House rivalry, and, while there may be a danger of this competitive spirit becoming unduly pronounced, there can be little doubt that it has contributed considerably to a markedly higher standard of achievement. The unrehearsed crudeness which was characteristic of these entertainments sin earlier years is no longer in evidence, and there are signs that the inspiration is there which will lead to still higher things. Below we give detailed criticisms, written by members of the School.
TEMPLE. This year it fell to sthe lot of Temple to begin the series of House concerts. Although much depended on a few people, the show proved a success and set a high standard for other Houses to follow. The concert began with an original composition by the brothers Banister, which would probably have received a warmer reception had the " chorus " known the words. However, this was followed by another musical item—a repetition, with revised choreography, of last year's effort by the Temple Belles. The music was taken front Tchaikovsky's Casse-Noisette Suite, and, as last year, we were treated to a realistic full-dress ballet. The spectacle of Wilson pirouetting about the stage was equalled only by the attempts of Dench (mi.) to escape his embraces. Unfortunately, Wilson's build proved a great disadvantage. bui, all came to a happy end. The next sketch was the old gag of changing wavelengths on the wireless so as to mix different talks. Though 21