the Corps showed satisfactory steadiness, we split up into platoons and did an hour or so of training and drill, fieldcraft, signals and battle drill, finishing up with a short exercise, in which the Blue Army again defended the Pavilion from the Red Army, this time with more success than on the previous occasion. At the end Major Smith addressed the Corps and expressed satisfaction with the standard of training reached, especially where P.T. was concerned. So ended a term of J.T.C. work, which has been unusually active and which has shown us how much our efficiency can be promoted by the increased number of courses now open to us during the holidays.
Our thanks are due to the sergeants of the K.R.R., who have given No. 8 and 9 Platoons their instruction in the Bren gun.
A. T. C. NOTES. This term has been one of transition for the A.T.C. No sooner had training resumed its normal intensity than we were informed of the impending departure of our Commanding Officer, Mr. Benda, which meant an almost irreparable loss to the entire organisation. Some three years ago Mr. Bendall took over control of the Flight as a purely voluntary task, and it is largely due to his wholehearted and unselfish efforts that the present standard of training and instruction has been attained. We wish him the greatest success in his new post overseas, and thank him for his inestimable services in the past. At the same time, we extend our hearty greetings to our new Commanding Officer, Mr. W. S. Moore, who, though not so intimately connected with the School as Mr. Bendall, is well known to the entire Flight through the great interest he has shown in their activities in the past, and he has already found many friends among the cadets. Towards the end of the term we had -also to say good-
• bye to Flight-Sergeant Corry, who, in his short period of
command, has done a great deal to improve the Flight both in training and in discipline. His unfailing energy, and patience with even the " rawest " of recruits has been a model to all. In these and other qualities he has an able successor in the new Flight-Sergeant McKinlay, of whom we expect a great deal in the near future. 28