In view of the curtailment of term it was decided that in the Section Competition each House should produce its best section consisting of a sergeant, 3 cpls., 3 trained men and 3 recruits. The competition again consisted of Drill, Rifle, Sten and Bren, Fieldcraft, Map-reading and the Obstacle course, and School House are to be congratulated on winning the Fernie Cup. The following promotions have been made :To be C.S.M.—Sgt. Pryer. To be Sgt.—Cp1s. Penty and Jefferson. To be Cpl.—L/Cp1s. Reynolds, Robson, Drummond, Barber, Walker, Border. To be L/Cpl.—Cdts. Baker, Eccles, Knowlson, Mckinney, Morris, Mountain, Sears, Shardlow, Smith, Stratton, Toyer, Walls, Ward, Weighill.
SCOUTING. Spare time activities have been well to the fore during the past term. At the same time the regular meetings have been held, with their opportunities of pioneering, wide games, etc. The Hounds won the term's Inter-Patrol Competition with the Beavers a close second. On the year's results the Hounds become the holders of the Shield for the ensuing twelve months. The Junior Inter-Patrol Competition resulted in a win for the Peewits, with Hawks znd, Owls 3rd, Wood Pigeons 4th, Curlews 5th. The Troop took an active part in "Bob-a-Nob" Day on zoth May, to earn money to equip Scouts to assist in relief work in the liberated countries. Over £5 was raised —more than double the target aimed at. On 21st May the Troop took part in the Annual Empire Youth Sunday Parade and Service at the Minster. Four week-end camps were held during the term and over forty members of the Troop were enabled to spend an all too short time under canvas. It was a great disappointment that the week's summer camp could not be held. The Troop also helped to satisfy an urgent demand from the railway companies for locomotive oil controllers. Nearly fifteen hundred of these were made and a fund inaugurated from the proceeds for the purchase of Troop Colours. Three members of the Troop, P.Ls. Wright, Hopkins, and Sec. Camfield attended the Local Association's P.L's Training Course. All of them completed the course successfully and have been enrolled as members of the 2nd Fir Ridge Troop. Sec. Camfield and Sct. Smith are to be congratulated on gaining their Green and Yellow All-Round Cords. 1 st Class Badges have been gained by Secs. Camfield and J. M. Graham, and by Sets. Smith and D. W. Thompson. Proficiency badges have been gained as under : Air Spotter—Set. Richardson; Reader—Sets. Fenton and Holmes; Pathfinder—Sec. Camfield, Sct. D. W. Thompson; Ambulance Man—P. L. Stuart, Sec. Camfield, Sets. Smith and Booth; Swimmer— T. L. Tate, P. L. Bainton, Secs. Camfield and Cameron, Sets. E. G. Thompson and Trewick ; Athlete—Secs. J. Burdass, Brough, and Eccles, Sets. Walter, Gibson, Flint, Fenton and E. G. Thompson.
CUB REPORT. We began the term with only three sixes, the Blue, the Green and the Yellow. Later, owing to a great number of recruits, the Red Six was re-formed and did very well in coming second in the Inter-Six Competition. Due to the enthusiastic leadership of Kidson whom the Yellow Six were unfortunate to lose, the Red Six soon became an excellent team. Time was very precious and we crammed a great deal of work and competitions into the short period at our disposal. Thanks are due to both Sixes and Seconds for their help in assisting the new recruits in their 1st star work. 16