An efficient and economic transport system was described by Sir Ronald as the life blood of the country, vital to the maintenance of a prosperous industry and our high standard of living ; and, appropriately to his audience, he dwelt upon the fine careers which our railways offered to young men of drive and imagination. At the conclusion of his address Sir Ronald was thanked briefly, but in cordial and apt terms, by Sir William Worsley and General H. A. Holdich, D.S.O. ; and another, and not the least successful, of our wartime Speech Days was concluded. The following is a list of the honours and distinctions recorded on the programme :Scholarships, Etc.
Open Major Scholarship in Modern Languages to Trinity Hall, Combridge : A. H. Terry.
State Scholarship in Classics : J. D. Taylor Thompson. Hulme Exhibition in Modern Languages to Brasenose College, Oxford : F. L Duffield.
North Riding County Major Scholarship in Modern Languages : P. Robson. St. Mary's Hospital Entrance Scholarship : D. L. Pryer. School Leaving Exhibition : D. L. Pryer. State Bursaries in Science : B. G. Drummond, K. R. G. Harper, A. J. Shardlow, R. H. Walker.
Prize List.
Archbishop of York's Prize for Classics : J. D. Taylor Thompson. Dean of York's Prize for Mathematics : A. J. Shardlow. Stephenson Greek Prize : G. Mountain. Headmaster's Prize for Latin Prose : J. D. Taylor Thompson. Toyne European History Prize : J. D. Eccles. Whytehead Divinity Prizes : P. Robson, C. K. Hudson. B.M.A. Medal for Science : D. L. Pryer. Reading Prizes : Senior—J. D. Taylor Thompson. Junior—J. D. Swale. Modern Language Prize : P. Robson. Norman Crombie Memorial Prize : P. Penniston. Middle School Essay Prizes : D. J. Pallant, R. M. Booth. Music Prizes : A. J. Shardlow, P. C. Brindley. Art Prize : P. W. Weighill. Form Prizes : IV A—P. A. Miles. IV B--J. Lennard. Shell AD. W. Thompson. Shell B—K. G. Harrison. Oxford Cup won by Manor and School House (Tied). Work Cup won by Temple. AN ADDRESS GIVEN AT ST. PETER'S SCHOOL, 3rd November, 1944, By J. D. TAYLOR THOMPSON (Winner of the Archbishop of York's Prize for Classics). ORATIO AD CONCILIUM SCHOLAE SANCTI PETRI Ante Diem Tertium Nonas Novembres MDCCCCXLIV
Salvete omnes. Nobis hac die sollemni iterum congressis nihil gratius nihil honoratius fieri potest quam quod nostro concilio adesse voluit hic vir 7