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The Junior School

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The term had only just nicely started when the tremendous news came through that the war against Germany was won and the two V.E. days were announced. So the School had two full days' holiday.

Although none of the boarders went home they had two really eventful days, including a special trip on the river in a motor launch, a visit to the local cinema, a special Scout and Cub parade when the Union Jack was saluted and Mr. Ping made a short speech for the occasion. Last, but not least, getting up at 10.30 p.m. to see the illuminations on the front of St. Peter's School. This last treat quite went to the heads of most of the boarders, and the rough and tumble acrobatic capers performed on the grass were very amusing and seemed fitting as letting off steam. 4 few fireworks, saved by Mr. Ping for the occasion, made a good finish.

During the first half of the term, Boxing lessons were given by Sgt.-Major Power to about 40 boys, and on Wednesday, 20th June, a very successful Boxing Tournament was held in the ring which was fixed up on the rugger field. We were fortunate in having a fine afternoon, and the bank made a very suitable grandstand for the numerous spectators present. Before the St. Olave's tournament began, two Army champions from the A.P.T.C. gave an instructive and amusing black and white demonstration.

Major W. H. White, the Commandant of the Northern Command School of P.T., kindly acted as referee and gave a useful talk to conclude. The full results of the tournament are given below.

Scholarship and entrance examinations occupied a good deal of time soon after mid-term, and we heartily congratulate P. J. R. Mason on winning the Day Boy Scholarship to St. Peter's, and I. G. Cobham on winning an exhibition. A good number of boys passed the entrance exam into St. Peter's, and the following boys passed into other schools :--M. Lavine obtained a, Foundation Scholarship to Epsom College ; Mark Kellett did well in face of keen opposition to gain a place at the Leys School ; J. S. Rymer obtained excellent marks in the Common Entrance exam to Gresham's School ; and J. L. Fenton passed into Wellingborough School.

Our Sports Day was held in splendid weather on Friday, 6th July. A detailed account of the results is given elsewhere, but we would like to say how very well everything went off owing to the careful organization by Mr. Walshaw and Mr. Moore with others of the staff. After many keen finishes and much excitement about points obtained, the Spartans were the winners, and gain their House name on the Athletics Shield. Parents and boys gathered in the " bay " at the conclusion of the sports, and after a short speech by the Headmaster, Mr.. J.. Dronfieid, the prizes were presented by Mrs. A. Wentworth Ping.

In these notes we usually record either an early or a late start in the swimming baths, but really this year owing to cold and inclement weather we were later than ever in starting the season. However, once we got going we all made the most of the time available, and many boys tried hard to .` get off " and to pass at least the one length test. The following boys passed the full Junior School test (two lengths breast stroke and one length on the back) : Brown, R. K., Cawood, Collins, Dixon, D., De Little, Daniel, M., I., Fletcher, D. I., Franklin, Hartley, Knowles, Moore, C., Nicholson, Primett, Ratcliff, Relton, Rymer, J. S., Sandiford, Scorgie, Wyman, Youll.

The Swimming Sports were held on Thursday, 26th July, and once again we were favoured with a fine sunny afternoon. The general standard of swimming and diving was scarcely up to the best we have seen at our sports, but perhaps this was balanced by the larger number of competitors. Mrs. Kershaw very kindly presented the prizes, which were again Savings Stamps.

And so we come to the doings at the end of term. The boarders had a " farewell " tea party to mark Mr. and Mrs. Ping's retirement from St. Olave's Boarding House.

At the final assembly in the Junior School the Head Boy (E. E. Cass) made a presentation of a clock and a purse to Sgt.-Major D. F. Puddick, who is retiring from the School. Sgt.-Major Puddick thanked the School very appreciatively in a brief speech, and he was given three hearty, roof-raising cheers.

Thus ends our very inadequate record of a very notable Summer Term, which was marked by the successful finish of the European War. We should like to say how very pleased we were to see the safe return of several Old Olavites who came to see us, and who found us carrying on—Super Antiquas Vias.

BOXING TOURNAMENT. Wednesday, 20th June, 1945. Referee : Major W. H. White, M.B.E. Announcer : A. W. Ping, Esq. Judges : R.S.M.I. P. Power, M.B.E. Q.M.S.I. T. E. Day. Timekeeper : J. R. Walshaw, Esq. Contests,

2 rounds, 1 minute each :-

D. Macpherson beat C. W. Leach.

P. R. L. Wetherell beat J. H. Macdonald.

C. M. J. Moore beat R. D. F. Scorgie.

I. M: Crammond beat M. J. Hollis.

J. R. Bird beat D. I. Fletcher.

D. H. Holmes beat M. A. Kidson.

M. Flint beat M. Lavine. 3 rounds, 1 minute each :—

T. Primett beat M. Goodburn.

J. L. Fenton beat R. C. Marshall.

D. Haley beat K. Ratcliff.

S. Amos beat J. Annt:quin.

D. J. Wilson beat M. E. Kershaw.


Two lengths Breast Stroke-1 Kershaw, 2 Relton. One length Free Style-1 Kendall, 2 Primett and Ratcliff. One length Back Stroke-1 Ratcliff, 2 Relton. One length under 12-1 Brown, R. K., 2 Knowles. Senior Dive-1 Hartley, 2 Holmes, D. - Senior Plunge-1 Kershaw (37 ft. 21 ins.), 2 Richardson, R. H. Junior Dive-1 De Little, 2 Scorgie, F. Junior Plunge-1 Whittaker, 2 Webster, J. B. Beginners' Length-1 Cass, 2 James. Beginners' Breadth-1 Roe, 2 Leach. Consolation One Length-1 Prendergast, 2 Collins.

ST. OLAVE'S CRICKET. Retrospect.

We should like to record our appreciations of the work and time that Mr. Walshaw has given to the cricket. Our thanks are also due to Miss Mason, Miss Allen and the several monitors who have kindly assisted in the practice games, which is at times a thankless job.

The cricket has greatly improved, undoubtedly the best performance being the great show against Ampleforth, when the team worked together instead of leaving it one man. The bowling has been fairly good for small boys, but 36

the standard of fielding has been poor. The running after the ball and between. the wickets has been deplorable, but when these matters are attended to they should more than hold their own with any Preparatory School side.

Against Ampleforth JuniOrs at home, Cass hit up a splendid 59 not out, including two sixes, and he was well supported by Thompson 22, Kendell 27, Walshaw 17, and Hodd 14. Ampleforth batted well, and the game was in an interesting state when stumps were drawn. Unfortunately the return game was rained off.

Once again Terrington were too strong for us, both home and away, but our 2nd XI had an exciting game with Red House at home, finishing with a tie of 53 runs each. -Knowles was the hero of this match ; his innings was a perfect example of the value of keen backing-up.

One of our main difficulties this year has been to find a good wicketkeeper. Ratcliffe proved the best of those whom we tried.

Spartans beat the Etruscans in the final of the House Match. Kendell 37 and Coverdale 21 made the best scores for the winners.

School Cricket Colours were awarded to Kendell, Walshaw, Hodd, Thompson, James, Amos and Annequin. Results.

1st XI. Terrington Hall 38 St. Olave's 28 Lost Ampleforth Juniors 69 (for 4) St. Olave's 159 (for 7) Drawn St. Olave's 58 Terrington Hall 73 Lost Ampleforth Juniors 41 (for 3) Abandoned

St. Olave's Red House

2nd XI.

24 Red House 9 Won 53 St. Olave's 53 Drawn


House Final.

95 Etruscans 45


Held on 6th July in good weather, our sports this year established four new records. As anticipated, Spartans retain the Athletic Shield for a second year, although the Trojans challenged them strongly and were only three points behind at the finish. Once again our thanks are due to Wallbank for having made a good job of the ground. The prizes were presented by Mrs. Ping. School Athletic Colours have been awarded to Cass, Kershaw, and Rymer, J.


Senior 100 yds.-1, Kershaw (Tr.) ; 2, Rymer, J. (Tr.) ; 3, Kendell (S.) ; 4, Wall (S.). 11.5 secs. (record). Middle 80 yds.-1, Roe (Tr.) ; 2, Knowles (S.) ; 3, Franklin (S.) ; 4, Rayson (Tr.). 11-0 secs. Junior 80 yds.-1, Wetherall (Th.) ; 2, Cashmore (E.) ; 3, Moore (Tr.) ; 4 Lovell (Tr.). 12.0 secs. Middle Long Jump.-1, Robinson (S.) ; 2, Steele (E.) ; 3, Fletcher (Th) ; 4, Blincoe (E.). 13 ft. 8 ins. Junior 220 yds.-1, Wetherall (Th.) ; 2, Bird, D. J. (E.) ; 3 Smith (Tr.) ; 4, Webster, J. (Th.). 36 secs. Middle 220 yds.-1, Calder (S.) ; 2 Annequin (Tr.) ; 3, Underwood 4, Kidson (Tr.). 31.8 secs. (S.) ;

Junior Long Jump.-1, Moore (Tr.) ; 2, Coates (E.) ; 3, Lovell (Tr.) ; 4, Webster, J. (Th.). 11 ft. 6 ins. Senior Quarter Cass (S.) ; 2, Kendell (S.) ; 3, Goodburn (Tr.) ; 4, Wilson (Th.). 69.8 secs. (record). Middle 50 yds.-1, Robinson (S.) ; 2, Roe (Tr.) ; 3, Blincoe (E.) ; 4, Oxtoby (S.). 7.4 secs. Junior 50 yds.-1, Dent (S.) ; 2, Cashmore (E.) ; 3, Smith (Tr.) ; 4, Ridley,

G. (S.). 7.4 secs. Visitors (under 7).-1. M. Kershaw ; 2, C. McGarrigle. Senior Long Jump.-1, Rymer, J. ; 2, Wall (S.) ; 3, Fletcher (Tr.) ; 4, Coverdale (S). 14 ft. 51 ins. (record). Junior Wheelbarrow.-1, Golightly and Lovell ; 2, Danton, P., and Wilson, P. Middle Steeplechase.-1. Walshaw ; 2, Ankers ; 3, Browne, F. D. Senior Steeplechase.-1, Flint ; 2, Jackson ; 3, Amos. 440 yds. Relay.-1, Spartans ; 2, Trojans.

School Records.

100 yds., Kershaw (Trojans), 1945, 11.5 secs. 220 yds. Kershaw (Trojans), 1945, 29.4 secs. 440 yds., Cass (Spartans), 1945, 69.8 secs. Long Jump, Rymer, J. (Trojans), 1945, 14 ft 51 ins. High Jump, Long, 1942, 4 ft. 6 ins.


This term has been very successful. The enthusiastic work put in by many individual Cubs has led to th•. award of the record number of 21 Proficiency Badges. But this has not been allowed to interfere with the activities and training of the Pack as a whole. The Yellows easily carried off the honours in the Inter-Six Competition, but credit is due to all the Pack for a marked increase in its powers of observation and general efficiency. Jungle dances and elementary tracking have proved great fun. The swimming baths have been as popular as ever—though it is disappointing that, so far, only three or four Cubs can swim.

This term saw the appointment of D. J. Bird as Red Sixer with Scorgie as his Second ; of Everitt as Yellow Sixer ; Collins as Green Second ; while Sixer Walshaw took over as Pack Leader. We were also very pleased to welcome six new recruits :—Danton, P., Dodsworth, Macpherson, Saville, Smyth, C. D. S., and Wood, A. As this brought the Pack up to full strength (32), we had regretfully to turn away several others. A rousing howl greeted A. G. Crammond when he was able to join us once more in June, and judging by the number of points he has gained for his Six since then, no one would have guessed that he still had a leg in plaster.

The cricket season had barely .got under way before two or three of our cricket enthusiasts made themselves responsible for organising a very enjoyable match against under elevens picked from the rest of the School. The opposition was not strong, but Maxwell, Everitt and Walshaw's performances would have shown up very well in any case. These three contributed over half the Cub score of 69 against 17 made by the rest. The return game resulted in another win for the Cubs by 73 to 12.

After the game the Cubs gave Squadron-Leader Ritter, a Canadian visitor to the School, some batting practice. Everyone enjoyed themselves enormously, and he certainly gave us plenty to do.

At the last regular meeting of the term, the Pack was first photographed, and then spent the remainder of the time in some hotly-contested sports events, in which the Yellow Six scored most points. 38

Then, on 27th July, the long-awaited outing took place. About a dozen of us cycled, and the rest went by bus to Huntington. We collected an immense pile of wood, and Scouts Jackson and Youll, borrowed for the occasion, did great work demonstrating to the uninitiated the art of firelighting. Youll has been a frequent helper at other meetings, and we should like to say thank you to him for this. Several wide games and some wild flower collecting provided hearty appetites for tea. Afterwards we had a Treasure Hunt in the grounds and through a wood, which gave each Six ample scope for using its powers of observation. A quiet sing-song ended an exciting afternoon, and then we reluctantly said good-bye to Priestley, Mackenzie, Smyth, Walshaw and Webster, R. W., and wished them the best of luck.

This was, unfortunately, the only outing of the year, but it was a great success, and we were determined in future to have more of this type of activity. It provides such good opportunities of learning and putting to a practical test what is otherwise likely to remain mere theoretical knowledge.

Awards this term are as follows :— • 2nd Star : Sixer Everitt, Sec. Scorgie, Wetherall. 1st Star : Sec. D. I. W. Smith, D. Rymer, Macdonald.

Proficiency Badges.

Artist : Sixer Everitt, Sixer Moore, Sec. D. Smith. Athlete : Sixer Everitt, Sixer Moore, Sixer Walshaw, Sec. Scorgie. Collector : Sixer Everitt, Macdonald, Wetherall, Collins, Ridley, C. E. First Aider : Sixer Walshaw, Wetherall. House Orderly : Sixer Everitt, Sec. Scorgie. Swimmer : Sixer Moore, Sec. Scorgie, Collins.


Day Boys.

J. H. Baines, J. R. Dodsworth, R. Eastwood, J. M. Leonard, A. R. V. McGarrigle, D. A. McPherson, J. E. H. 'Quickfall, J. M. Saville, A. D. J. Wood.



S. Amos, D. Dixon, D. Holmes, W. Jackson (to St. Peters) ; J. L. Fenton, M. Lavine (to other schools).

Day Boys.

E. E. Cass, I. G. Cobham, M. I. Daniel, J. R. Dwyer, D. Fletcher, M. Flint, A. Greaves, P. V. Gunning, D. Haley, D. J. Hartley, D. L. Hourigan, R. I. Hunt, G. A. Jewitt, A. M. Kendell, M. E. Kershaw, B. J. Longstaff, N. E. Marshall, R. C. Marshall, P. J. R. Mason, H. Murray, C. A. Neale, D. J. Osborne, D. J. Pratt, D. M. Quirke, R. A. Relton, R. H. Richardson, I. R. Riley, R. M. Stanley, D. Thompson, K. Varley, A. Watson, D. J. Wilson, R. F. Wyman (all to St. Peter's).

P. K. Brown, P. A. Harris, A. M. Kellett, C. D. Smith, P. J. Mackenzie, T. Primett, J. S. Rymer, A. D. Sandiford, R. S. Priestley, J. Steel (to other schools).

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