Together with the rest of the nation, the School celebrated Victory on 8th June with a whole holiday. The new cinematograph has already proved its value as entertainment. The following films have been shown to the School this term : " 49th Parallel," " Stormy Weather," " Old Bones of the River." At the end of the term, Shepherd, as Head of the School, presented Mr. Nix and Miss Allen with a silver tea service on the occasion of their engagement, as a token of the School's gratitude and best wishes for the future. On Monday, 29th July, the last day of term, the Headmaster gave a dinner for the 1st XI at the Dawnay Arms, Shipton, a fitting conclusion to the most successful cricket season for many years.
On the whole the term has been quite a successful one, and we came very near to winning the Oxford Cup. Unfortunately we were unsuccessful in both the Senior and Junior Cricket. In the Senior Cricket we reached the final, v. the Rise, but were beaten. Dook was unable to play, and we can safely claim that had he been there, it might have been a very different result. In the semi-finals of the 2nd XI Cricket we were beaten by Temple. However, we succeeded in retaining the Tennis Cup, and as a result, R. Dobson and B. Tomlinson were awarded their house colours. For the third year in succession we have won the Team Shooting Cup, and we have also retained the House Average. J. Lennard is to be congratulated on winning the Best Individual Shot Cup, also for the third year in succession. Congratulations to P. A. Speight on being appointed ViceCaptain of Cricket ; to Dook on the award of his 1st XI Cap ; to Oliver and Andrews on the re-award of their 1st XI Colours ; to Lennard, Chadwick and Dook on the re-award of their Shooting Colours, and to Reynolds on the award of his Shooting Colours. Congratulations also to Garbett, Drummond and Graham on the award of their 2nd IV Colours, and to Chadwick, Dobson, Hutchinson and M. Speight on the award of their 2nd XI Colours. As usual, at the end of the Summer Term, many of our members depart, and to the eight who are leaving us this term we wish every good fortune in the future. THE RISE
With victories in the Senior Cricket and the Swimming Sports, we can feel that the past term has given us some reward for our efforts during the year. 29