Oct 1946

Page 39

The following promotions are dated 24/7/46 :To be Sgt. : Cpl. Chadwick. To be Cpl. : L/Cpls. Lennard, Forsythe, Dodgson, Sykes, Rayson, Rignall, Macpherson, Edinger, IDook, Hutchinson, Dench, Claybourn, Moreton, Andrews, Shardlow, P. J., Wilson, Tomlinson. To be L/Cpls. Cdts. Dixon, Dobson, Radford, Pallant, Sawyer, Smith, Bown, Ringrose, Griffiths, T., Hudson, Newdick, Simpson, Oliver, Hardisty, Lee, Mathews, Lees.


Once more the Summer Term has proved to have been a full one in spite of much unfavourable weather. This interfered with plans for week-end camps on more than one occasion, though it gave many of us valuable experience in wet weather camping. However, it is consoling to recollect that the Troop has put in more nights at camp this year than before. Early in the term the Troop entered a team for the Scoutcraft Competition open to Troops in the York and District Local Association. The competition was based on the training required for the 1st Class badge, and was consequently wide in its scope. After an exciting contest we succeeded in winning and became the first holders of the Thompson Cup. It was a happy coincidence that Coun. W. Thompson, who gave the cup to the Local Association, should present it to his son, T.L. D. Thompson, the leader of our team. On Tuesday, 4th June, the Senior Patrols spent a day in the country. Patrols set out independently in the morning in search of plaster casts, foregathering at Dunnington to have lunch at our weekend camp site. After lunch we played games in the woods until forced to return to School by persistent rain. This year we held our Summer Camp at Coneysthorpe. It was a new site to us, and proved to be a very suitable one in every way. It is to be regretted that more Scouts do not avail themselves of this annual camp—twenty-four out of sixty Scouts cannot be regarded as a satisfactory attendance. We were pleased to see so many parents and friends on Visitors' Day, and the Headmaster and other members of the Staff during the week. We were fortunate once more to have the help of Edinger, and offer our thanks to him for his invaluable assistance. This term's Senior Inter-Patrol Competition was won by the Otter Patrol, who thereby won the Inter-Patrol Shield for the year. On 23rd August eight Scouts and four Cubs formed a Guard of Honour at the wedding of Mr. J. Nix with Miss S. M. Allen, at Huntington Church. The Troop had previously presented them with a clock as a wedding present. We have to congratulate T.L. D. Thompson on gaining the Bushman's Thong, and P.L.'s N. Ward and D. Warren on qualifying for their Green and Yellow All-round Cords. Seven proficiency badges were gained during the term. 37

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