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The Oxford Cup, 1946-47

thaw caused most of the Easter Term sports to be abandoned, but we found plenty of opportunities to exert ourselves, shovelling snow. "Indoor" sport has carried on as usual. The youthful Chess team did its best, but was well beaten by the more experienced Rise team. Our Squash team lost to School House, whom we congratulate on beating the Manor in the final. Our team had to be picked from a very small number of boys, but now that facilities for Squash have improved, we hope that the younger members of the House will swell that number.

Congratulations to P. J. Temple on being appointed a House Monitor, to F. N. Newdick on being appointed Captain of School Boxing, and to D. Hardisty on the re-award of his Shooting Colours.

So we have come to the end of what must have been among the most inactive terms in the history of the School as regards sport (although surely no one can say he has had no time for study!), but if we are blessed with better weather it is safe to say that everything will be back to normal next term and that the pages of the next "Peterite" will be filled as usual with news of activity and success.


Senior Rugger Junior Rugger Senior Cricket

Points Awarded 20 10 20

Manor Rise — 20

School House Temple


Junior Cricket ... 10 — — Rowing (1st Division) 20 Abandoned. Rowing (2nd Division) 10 Abandoned. Athletics 1st ... 20 Abandoned. 2nd ... 10 Abandoned. Swimming 20 -- 20 — Squash 10 — 10 Tennis ... 10 — Shooting (Team) 5 Boxing ... 5 Fencing ... 5


J. C. M. Rayson played for the team of the sixteen young players of York against the Yorkshire County XI in the match played on 30th April and 1st May. This old-standing fixture, a prelude to the County's championship season, has been revived after the inevitable war-time lapse. Rayson is to be congratulated on an excellent innings of 30, the second highest score for the York team. We hope that it is an omen of a good season as Captain of Cricket.


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