Minuet and Country Dance from "Cephalus and Procris"
Gretry (1741-1813)
Felix Mendelssohn—Bartholdy
- Arthur Taylor Elijah l - Mr. E. P. Piers Ahab Obadiah The Youth - M. R. Pallant The School Choral Society and Orchestra
THE SCIENCE SOCIETY Five meetings have been held this term. The first meeting, held after supper on 24th January, consisted of a film show. "Beginnings of History" traced man's development from half a million years ago through the Old Stone Age, New Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age, to the coming of the Romans to these islands. Some specimens of flint weapons from the School Museum were passed round. A film, describing the new survey of the country and brickmaking, was also shown. On 31st January, Mr. Jeffs, assisted by Markus, gave a most A interesting and instructive talk-film show-demonstration on Radar, a subject on which he is an authority. He traced its history from 5938, when it was known as R.D.F. (Radio direction-finding) and explained the principle of Radar by analogy with echoes in sound. The time intervals involved between the transmission and reception of the wireless waves are of the order of a micro-second and are measured by the Cathode Ray Oscillograph. A film on the C.R.O, with a commentary by R. A. Watson-Watt, the father of Radar, was shown. With the help of diagrams, Mr. Jeffs explained the plan of a simple radar set and how sets are calibrated for range. He described how not only distances but bearings of objects could be obtained and how a picture of the surrounding countryside could be obtained. He concluded with a demonstration of fighter direction, aided by Markus and Cross. As messages came over the loudspeaker, giving information obtained by radar of approaching "enemy" formations, Mr. Jeffs plotted on the blackboard their approach and their interception and dispersal by fighters. So realistic was it that we felt we had been taking part in the battle ourselves. A talk and demonstration by Jenkins and Storey was given on i4th February, entitled "Dyes and Dyeing." Jenkins spoke of the history of dyes and described how the dye industry had sprung up 25