Feb 1949

Page 26

Another presentation of particular interest was that from Dr.

J. T. Sheppard, Provost of King's, to mark his visit to the School for

Commemoration, 1948. It consisted of works from his own pen, translations of the Greek dramatists and other books of classical interest :The "Electra" of Sophocles and the "Peace" of Aristophanes.


Euripides' "Helen". Euripides' "The Cyclops". Aeschylus, the Prophet of Greek Freedom. The Wisdom of Sophocles.

In addition to the above the following books were acquired in the course of the term :Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries—Lipson. The Scandinavians—S. M. Toyne. The Second World War (Vol. I)—Winston Churchill. Creevey—John Gore. Tudor Parish Documents—Purvis. Plato's Republic—trans. A. D. Lindsay. Flaubert and Madame Bovary—Steegmuller. Oxford Junior Encyclopedia (Vol. I). Maquis—Millar. The Robe—Douglas. Native Economics of Nigeria—Forde and Scott. The Library Atlas. A Systematic Regional Geography—Unstead. World Survey—Unstead. Contact Catalysis—Griffith. Boiler House and Power Station Chemistry—Francis. Modern Gas Turbines—Judge. The Nature of the Atom—Conn. The Wave Nature of the Electron—Conn. Rugger—Do it this Way—Sugden & Hollis. Cricket—Do it this Way—Wheatley & Parry.

THE DEBATING SOCIETY With increasing attendances the Society has fully established itself in the Big Hall for its meetings. Indeed, from a purely statistical point of view the Society would appear to have reached a degree of popularity and success unequalled in its history, the average attendance for this term's debates being comfortably over a hundred. But perhaps more encouraging still has been the increase in the number of speakers from the house, for therein lies the true indication of its success. The first meeting of the term was held on Saturday, 2nd October, when the motion was "That this House approves of voluntary euthanasia." J. F. N. Jackson, proposing the motion, said that people suffering great pain who have no prospect of recovery were quite justified in asking for a painless death. He cited several examples where great suffering could only be relieved by a voluntary and easy death. 25

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