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The Choir

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Hockey, 1949

Hockey, 1949

The School Choir and all who took part in the Procession acquitted themselves with their usual distinction.

Two additions to the Chapel must be recorded. Towards the end of the Christmas Term Colonel Huffam presented us with a very beautiful Indian (Benares) Tray for use as an Alms-dish. Now that a stand has been made for it, it is in full use; and we are most grateful for a gift which fills a long-felt want. Then, too, the Candelabra (over the Chancel step), which made its first appearance at the Carol Services in December, has become our own property. Already we can hardly remember what the Chapel looked like without it. That is. surely, a proof that the candelabra is singularly fitting and appropriate.

A memorial service for Mabel Baird was held in Chapel on Tuesday, 15th March, when the Bishop of Selby gave an address.

Our visiting preachers have been the Dean of York, an old friend; and some new friends in the Archdeacon of York, the Rev. J. S. Purvis, D.Litt., and the Rev. P. W. Wheddon, the Archbishop's Chaplain, to all of whom we owe a debt of gratitude.

A word of thanks must be given to the Servers, who have been admirably regular and prompt in their attendance : and we can note with satisfaction an increased number of Communicants on Sundays. Probably the change back to 8-15 a.m. (instead of 8-0 a.m.) has been helpful. During Lent much greater use has been made of the weekday Celebrations, but surely more use could be made of them at all times than is usually done, even if the dark mornings of winter are discouraging. The special Lent Service on Thursday evenings has been valued by quite a good number.

The Religious Discussion Group has not met this term for a variety of reasons; but meetings will be resumed next term.

The Choir has had a busy term. Starting with its traditional role as the voice of Everyman opposite the Minster Choir in the Epiphany Procession with Carols in the Minster, •the Choir was then re-organised and settled down to producing an anthem at most evensongs throughout the term. These were :- The Carol—"Ding dong ding". "Save us, 0 Lord." Bairstow. "The Heavens are telling." Haydn. "Blessed be the God and Father." S. S. Wesley. "Ye that do your Master's will." Orlando Gibbons. "Lord for Thy tender mercies' sake." Farrant. "Bow down Thine ear." Arensky. and the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis to a setting by Noble in B minor with the School.


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