indeed, is on the other foot. To struggle courageously against your high birth, your titles, and the portraits of your ancestors, and to overcome the suspicions of the Common Man, to whom long lineage is a personal affront, 'that you must toil and strive to do'. If you have gained the respect and honour of your fellow-countrymen and especially our people of York, it is because of your own sterling character and your own outstanding ability. But I shall weary you, Sir, and indeed my audience, and I must bring my speech to an end. I would add only this, that it is a great pleasure to me, a young man on the threshold of life, to pay my tribute to one whose work has been proved by the test of time. And so to you, a son of Eton, by common consent the most renowned of our schools, I, on behalf of St. Peter's of York, by far the oldest of all, give greeting. We are told that England's most distinguished general overthrew Napoleon and won the battle of Waterloo on the playing fields of Eton. We too can boast that on the playing fields of St. Peter's one of our number, in a contest of beating a ball with a piece of wood, against Australians and (alas) West Indians, learned— to be defeated. But I must be serious at the close of my speech. We indeed, while through the long centuries we have trodden the ancient ways, have gone forward not without glory. When, Sir, we regard your high honours and your great services to the state, can we doubt that the glory of Eton is assured and that she will flourish for all time?
OLD PETERITE NEWS THE OLD PETERITE DINNER The Annual Dinner of the Old Peterite Club was held on Friday, 28th July, at "Betty's Restaurant". After the Dinner a Presentation of a Chiming Westminster Clock was made to Lt.-Col. H. C. Scott in grateful remembrance of his thirty years' service to the Club as Hon. Secretary. The presentation was made on behalf of the Club by the Hon. Secretary (Mr. K. H. Rhodes), and Lt.-Col. Scott replied with an entertaining speech, filled with sparkling reminiscences of the "highlights" of his long period of office. The toast of the School was proposed by the Rev. H. N. Hodd and replied to by the Headmaster. The toast of the Club was proposed by Mr. E. S. Jeffs and responded to by Mr. A. B. Cooper. The following were present :— Anelay, W. P. Atkinson, J. M. Atkinson, P. S. Atkinson, R. E. A. Black, V. M. Brown, H. Beetham, S. H. Burgess, N. B.
Burgess, L. Battrick, A. Burnett, N. R. Burdass, C. U. Burdass, J. U. Bown, F. R. Blenkin, J. N. Border, A. P. 13
Chadwick, F. J. Carlill, F. Chantry, W. Clegg, M. T. Crombie, G. N. P. Crews, D. K. Cooper, A. B. Daniel, I.