1 minute read
from June 1951
by StPetersYork
BIRTH NIX.—On 2nd April, 1951, at 74 Westminster Road, York, to Sheila
Mary (nee Allen) and John, a son (Nicholas William). ENGAGEMENT WICKS—QUANT.—The engagement is announced between Edward
Allan, elder son of the Rev. and Mrs. E. K. Wicks, of Hull, and
Margaret, daughter of the late Mr. II. E. H. Quant and of Mrs.
Quant, of Scarborough. MR. H. V. 'MOORE
Mr. H. V. 'Moore, who was from 1940 to 1948, Senior Modern Languages Master and some years Housemaster of Temple, left us three years ago to become Headmaster of Almondbury Grammar School, Huddersfield. He has recently accepted a new post as Head Master of Nunthorpe School, York, and hopes to take over in September next. We congratulate him on his appointment. We believe that Mr. and Mrs. Moore will be glad to come back to York. Certainly their many friends both at St. Peter's and in the City will welcome their return. * * *
Mr. J. M. Rucklidge (0.P., 1933-37), left the Staff at the end of the Easter Term, forsaking schoolmastering for the world of business. During his comparatively short time as a Master, from March, 1949, he proved his great value to the School and enjoyed a well-deserved popularity both with the boys and among his colleagues. We wish him every success in his new venture. For some time, at any rate, he will continue to live in York, and his resignation will not therefore imply a severance of his close association with the School. * * *
It is with a lively interest that we have heard that Mr. Leslie Burgess' new play "Sounding Brass" is to be staged at the Theatre Royal as one of the special features of the York Festival in June. * * *
Some time ago Sir William Crosthwaite, IP., generously offered to present the School with a Cricket Scoring Box, an offer gratefully accepted by the Governors. It is unfortunate that present day building restrictions make it impossible to build the Box to the specification Sir William had in mind, but we have, we hope, managed to design one which we shall be proud to possess. It is hoped that by the time this note is read the Scoring Box will be nearing completion. 5