During "stand easy" hours we played deck hockey, basket ball (in a hanger converted into a gym.) and played cricket at the "net" on the flight deck. We all were "cooks of the day" for at least one day. Six of our cadets were new recruits and were in Naval Rig for the first time, but by the end of the camp were all "at home" in the ship and had gained valuable experience which would give them a good start in the R.N. Section. J. R. DWYER. ARMY CAMP, 1951 The annual camp was held this year at the new Northern Command site in Harwood Dale. In spite of the excellence of the surrounding country, first impressions were hardly favourable, and though we soon accustomed ourselves to the conditions, there is no doubt that the situation was far from ideal. An extensive and, on the whole, well organised training programme was carried out, with the generous co-operation, until the last two days, of the weather. When it did start to rain, however, water poured down the hillside, and many tents were badly flooded. In the various competitions held during the week the youthfulness of our camp contingent told against us, but we won the seven-a-side rugger and overcame strong opposition from St. Bee's, Merchant Taylor's and Worksop in so doing. Viewed in retrospect, it was an enjoyable and not unsuccessful camp. S.S.M. ANICERS.
SCOUTING SENIOR SCHOOL PATROLS During the term many outdoor meetings were held and the most ambitious project was the construction of an aerial runway, which worked ! Each Patrol held a week-end camp at Dunnington and the Field Day was spent on Rievaulx Moor. The morning was occupied by a Patrol Obstacle Competition won by the Beaver Patrol, and in the afternoon a wide game provided an opportunity for the Scouters to take a much-needed rest. During the lunch interval several of the more handsome scouts were borrowed by a newspaper photographer to improve the scenery. The Troop entered the Scoutcraft Competition organised by the York Association and came within a half point of the winners, Treasurer's House Troop. P/L. D. M. Walker is to be congratulated on gaining his Scout Cord. The Otter Patrol won the Patrol Competition for the term,