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Valete and Salvete

to substitute plough for bat next summer. He also says that he has given up exercising that lovely dog !

P. R. Sykes (St. Edmund Hall) has, as we said, taken the plunge, and we offer him our very sincere and hearty congratulations. He still plays a very energetic game of squash and was seen by cricket enthusiasts in the Parks playing on the adjacent tennis courts.

D. P. Norwood (Hertford) tells us with pride that he actually played several games of cricket last summer—batting at No. 11 ! We tried to find him in his rooms several times, but he is always "out". On one of these occasions we were told that he had gone to London to see Preston North End. Like father, like son !

For want of any news of P. Andrews (Keble), E. A. K. Denison (B.N.C.), G. Mountain (Wycliffe Hall), and G. C. Norris (Worcester), we must presume that they have all left "the city of dreaming spires" for the outside world, and we wish them every success wherever they may be.

Finally we would like to say how much we appreciate the more frequent appearances of School results in our newspapers, especially as the results themselves have been so good during the past term or two.

Wishing the School every success for 1952, We remain, Sirs, THE OXFORD OLD PETERITES.

srti VALETE (December, 1951) THE GROVE J. S. Megginson. 1948-51 (St. Olave's, 1945). VB. Colts XV, 1950-51. 2nd XV, 1951-52. Colours, 1951-52. 1st VIII Shooting, 1950-51-52.

Colours, 1951-52. First Class Shot. A.B. in C.C.F. (R.N. Section).

Proficiency Badge.

TEMPLE T. A. Bradford. 1948-51 (St. Olave's, 1944). Transitus. Cadet in C.C.F. (R.N. Section). Cert. "A", Part 1. First Class Shot. D. Haw. 1948-51 (St. Olave's, 1946). Transitus. Junior Colts XV, 1949-50.

Played for 2nd XV, 1951-52. 4th IV, 1951. Cadet in C.C.F. (R.N.

Section). Cert. "A", Part 1. First Class Shot. C. D. Mortimer. 1949-51. IVc. Cadet in C.C.F. (Signal Section). Cert. "A", Part 1, 1951. Signals Classification, 1950. P. R. Shearburn. 1948-51 (St. Olave's, 1945). Vc. Cadet in C.C.F. (R.A.F.

Section). Cert. "A", Part 1.

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