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The Junior School

The Junior School

VALETE (July, 1952) THE GROVE D. I. Fletcher. 1947-52 (St. Olave's, 1944). School House, 1947-48 Head of Grove. School Monitor. Lower VI Modern. School Cert., 1950. Colts

XV, 1948-49. Played for 2nd XV, 1949-50. "A" XV, 1950-51. 1st XV, 1950-51-52. Colours, 1950-51. Cap, 1951-52. Played for Leeds and

District Public Schools XV, 1951. Played for Yorkshire Public Schools

XV, 1952. 2nd XI Hockey, 1951. Colours, 1951. 1st XI Hockey, 1952.

Colours, 1952. Colts XI, 1949. Played for 2nd XI, 1950-51. 1st XI, 1951-52. Colours, 1951-52. Cap, 1952. Member of the Curia, Games

Committee. P.O. in C.C.F. (Naval Section). Cert. "A", Part I, 1949.

Ldg/Seaman Exam., 1950. P.O. Exam., 1951. Efficiency Badge. 1st

Class Shot. J. Whittaker. 1947-52 (St. Olave's, 1944). House Monitor. Transitus. Played for 2nd XV, 1951-52. Rowed for 3rd IV, 1950. 2nd IV, 1951. Colours, 1951. Captain of Boats, 1952. Chapel Committee. Sgt. in C.C.F. (Army

Section). Cert. "A", 1951. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. J. C. Dent. 1948-52 (St. Olave's, 1943). House Monitor. Transitus Maths.

Played for 2nd XV, 1951-52. 2nd IV, 1952. Colours, 1952. A.B. in

C.C.F. (R.N. Section). Cert. "A", Part I, 1951. Efficiency Badge. 1st

Class Shot. J. E. Smith. 1947-52 (St. Olave's, 1944). House Monitor. VC. L/Sgt. in

C.C.F. Cert. "A", 1951. 1st Class Shot. C. J. Bevan. 1949-52 (St. Olave's, 1945). VA. Cadet in C.C.F. Cert. "A",

Part I, 1952. 1st Class Shot. H. A. L. Golightly. 1948-52 (St. Olave's, 1943). VA. Fencing Team, 194950-51. Chess Team, 1950-51-52. A.B. in C.C.F. (R.N. Section). Cert. "A", Part I, 1950. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. G. E. Glasson. 1949-52 (St. Olave's, 1945). VB. Cadet in C.C.F. Cert. "A", 1952. J. H. Hamilton. 1948-52 (St. Olave's, 1945). Transitus. Debating Society

Committee. C. C. Porteous. 1949-52 (St. Olave's, 1947). VB. Cadet in C.C.F. Cert. "A", Part I, 1952. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. T. R. M. Sheriff. 1949-52 (St. Olave's, 1945). VC. Cadet in C.C.F. (R.A.F.

Section). Cert. "A", Part I, 1951. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. T. Wilkinson. 1948-52 (St. Olave's, 1946). VC. Colts XI, 1951. Colours, 1951. Played for 1st XI, 1952. 2nd XI, 1952. Colours, 1952. Cadet in C.C.F. (Army Section). Cert. "A", 1952. THE MANOR J. J. Youll. 1947-52 (St. Olave's, 1943). School Monitor. Head of The

Manor. U.VI Classics. School Cert., 1949. State Scholarship and North

Riding Bursary, 1952. 2nd XV, 1950-51-52. 2nd XI Hockey, 1951-52.

Colts XI, 1948-49. Colours, 1949. Played for 1st XI, 1949. 1st XI Cap, 1950-51. Captain, 1952. Cpl. in C.C.F. Cert. "A", 1951. J. M. Raylor. 1947-52. School Monitor. Lower VI Modern. 2nd XV, 1950.

Colours, 1950. Played for 1st XV, 1950-51. 1st XV, 1951-52. Colours. 1951-52. 2nd XI Hockey, 1950-51. Colours, 1951. 1st XI Hockey, 1952.

Colours, 1952. Captain of Colts XI, 1949. Colours, 1949. 2nd XI, 1950-51-52. Colours, 1951. Played for 1st XI, 1951-52. Squash Team, 1951-52. Member of Curia. Drum Major in C.C.F. Cert. "A", 1952.

Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot.

S. H. Storey. 1946-52. House Monitor. Upper VI Science. School Cert., 1949. Chess Team, 1950-51-52. Member of Curia. Musical Society

Committee. Library Monitor. Cpl. in C.C.F. (Gun Crew). Cert. "A", 1951. Classified Signaller. 1st Class Shot. R. D. Palframan. 1947-52 (St. Olave's, 1944). House Monitor. Upper VI

Modern. School Cert., 1949. Entrance Examination, Worcester College,

Oxford, 1952. 2nd XI Hockey, 1951-52. Chairman of Curia. Editor of "The Peterite". Cpl. in C.C.F. Cert. "A", 1951. Efficiency Badge.

Classified Signaller. 1st Class Shot. H. W. J. Rigg. 1947-52 (St. Olave's, 1945). House Monitor. Lower VI

Maths. School Cert., 1950. Colts XV, 1949-50. Played for 2nd XV, 1950-51. 1st XV, 1950-51-52. Colours, 1950-51. Cap, 1951-52. 2nd XI.

Hockey, 1951-52. Colours, 1952. Captain, 1952. Colts XI, 1950.

Colours, 1950. 2n1 XI, 1951. 1st XI, 1952. 1st VIII (Shooting), 194950-51-52. Colours, 1949-50-51-52. Captain, 1951-52. Cpl. in C.C.F. (R.A.F. Section). Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. E. Davey. 1950-52. VA. 1st VIII (Shooting), 1951-52. Colours, 1952.

Cadet in C.C.F. Cert. "A", Part I. Signals Classification, 1951. 1st Class

Shot. R. M. Davey. 1950-52. IVB. P. A. Grayson. 1949-52. IVC. Cadet in C.C.F. Cert. "A", Part I, 1952. M. T. Greenwood. 1948-52. Lower VI Science. School Cert., 1950. Colts

XV, 1950-51. 1st XV, 1951-52. Colours, 1951-52. 2nd XI Hockey, 1952. Treasurer of Young Farmers' Club. Ldg/Seaman in C.C.F. (R.N.

Section). Cert. "A", Part I, 1950. P.O. Exam., 1952. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. R. M. Johnson. 1949-52 (St. Olave's, 1945). VC. Cadet in C.C.F. (Army

Section). Cert. "A", 1952. 1st Class Shot. H. C. P. Spencer. 1948-52 Transitus. School Cert., 1950. L/Sgt. in C.C.F. (Gun Crew). Cert. "A", 1952. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. A. D. J. Wood. 1949-52 (St. Olave's, 1945). IVC. Cadet in C.C.F. Cert. "A", 1952. 1st Class Shot.

THE RISE P. D. F. James. 1946-52 (St. Olave's, 1942). Head of Rise. Vice-Head of

School. Upper VI Science. School Cert., 1950. Played for 1st XV, 1950-51-52. Colours, 1951-52. 2nd XV, 1950-51. 2nd XI Hockey, 1951. 1st XI Hockey, 1952. Colours, 1952. Colts XI, 1947-48-49. 2nd XI, 1950. Colours, 1950. Played for 1st XI, 1950. 1st XI Colours, 1951-52.

Cap, 1951-52. Vice-Captain, 1952. Played for Warwickshire Public

Schools XI, 1951. Squash Team, 1951-52. Colours, 1952. Games

Committee. Young Farmers' Club Committee. S.S.M. in C.C.F. (Basic

Section). Cert. "A", 1950. Band. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. J. E. B. Annequin. 1946-52 (St. Olave's, 1942). House Monitor. Lower VI.

School Cert., 1950. 2nd XV, 1950-51-52. Colours, 1951-52. "A" XV, 1950-51. Played for 1st XV, 1951-52. Colts XI, 1947-48-49. Colours, 1949. 1st XI, 1950-51-52. Colours, 1950-51-52. L/Sgt. in C.C.F. Cert. "A", 1951. Drum and Bugle Badges. D. Coverdale. 1946-52 (St. Olave's, 1941). House Monitor. Lower VI

Science. School Cert., 1949. Played for 1st XV, 1951-52. "A" XV, 1951-52. 2nd XV, 1951-52. Colours, 1951-52. 2nd XI Hockey, 1952.

Colours, 1952. F/Sgt. in C.C.F. (R.A.F. Section). Cert. "A", 1950. 1st

Class Shot. Science Society Committee.


M. B. Markus. 1947-52. House Monitor. Upper VI Modern and Science.

Foundation Scholarship, 1948. School Cert., 1949. Played for Colts XV, 1950-51. Member of Curia. Science Society Committee. Debating Society

Committee. Secretary of Debating Society, 1951-52. Cpl. in C.C.F. (R.A.F.

Section). Cert. "A", Part I, 1950. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. E. G. Dixon. 1947-52 (St. Olave's, 1945). House Monitor. Lower VI

Modern. School Cert., 1949-50. Member of Curia. Library Monitor.

Cpl. in C.C.F. (R.A.F. Section). Cert. "A", Part I, 1950. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. D. H. Beachell. 1948-52. VB. Colts XI, 1950. Colours, 1950. 1st XI, 1951-52. Colours and Cap, 1951-52. Squash Team, 1951-52. Colours, 1951-52. Young Farmers' Club Committee. Cpl. in C.C.F. (Army Section).

Cert. "A", 1951. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. C. Charlesworth. 1951-52 (St. Olave's, 1947). Shell A. G. R. Fortune. 1948-52. Transitus. Cadet in C.C.F. Gliding Certificates "A" and "B". Cert. "A", Part I, 1949. Signals Classification, 1950.

Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. J. A. Hunter. 1948-52 (St. Olave's, 1946). VC. Cadet in C.C.F. (R.A.F.

Section). Cert. "A", Part I, 1950. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. A. L. Pegg. 1950-52 (St. Olave's, 1945). IVC. Cadet in C.C.F. Cert. "A",

Part I, 1952. J. A. Sharp. 1948-52. VC. A.B. in C.C.F. (R.N. Section). Cert. "A", Part I, 1950. Efficiency Badge, 1951. 1st Class Shot. E. R. Walker. 1948-52 (St. Olave's, 1945). Transitus. Cadet in C.C.F. (Gun

Crew). Cert. "A", 1952. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot.

SCHOOL HOUSE D. G. Hilton. 1946-52 (St. Olave's, 1945). Head of School House. School

Monitor. Upper VI Maths, Riley Smith Foundation Scholarship, 1947.

Major Open Scholarship in Mathematics (The Eglesfield) to The Queen's

College, Oxford, 1952. School Cert., 1948. H.S.C., 1950. Colts XV, 1949-50. Colours, 1949-50, 1st XV, 1950-51-52. Colours, 1950-51-52. "A" XV, 1950-51-52. 4th IV, 1950. 2nd IV, 1951. Colours, 1951.

Rowed for 1st IV, 1951. 1st IV, 1952. Colours, 1952. Fencing Team, 1950-51. School Play, 1950. School Orchestra, 1947-49. Editor of "The

Peterite". Library Monitor. Founder Member of Curia. Chairman, 1951.

Debating Society Committee. Secretary, 1950-51. Music Society Committee. Secretary, 1950-51. Games Committee. Secretary, 1951-52. P.O. in C.C.F. (i/c. Naval Section). Cert. "A", Part I, 1948, Ldg/Seaman

Exam., 1949. P.O. Exam., 1950. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. C. V. Roberts. 1947-52. House Monitor. Lower VI Modern. School Cert., 1950. Colts XI, 1949. Played for 2nd XI, 1951. Fencing Team, 1949-50-51-52. Captain of Fencing, 1950-51-52. School Play, 1950.

Member of Curia. L/Sgt. in C.C.F. Cert. "A", 1951. Signals Classification. Efficiency Badge. A. W. Driver. 1947-52. House Monitor. Lower VI. School Cert., 1949.

Colts XV, 1949. Played for 2nd XV, 1950. Colours, 1951. Played for 1st XV, 1951-52. "A" XV, 1951. Played for 1st XI, 1951-52. Colours, 1951. 2nd XI, 1952. Games Committee. Debating Society Committee.

Cpl. in C.C.F. Cert. "A", 1950. P. S. Lumley. 1947-52. House Monitor. Transitus. 2nd XI Hockey, 1952. 2nd VIII (Shooting), 1951. 1st VIII (Shooting), 1951-52. Colours, 1952.

Secretary of Photographic Society. Cpl. in C.C.F. (R.A.F. Section). Cert. "A", Part I, 1949. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot.


M. S. Milne. 1947-52. House Monitor. Transitus Science. 4th IV, 1952.

Founder-member of Young Farmers' Club. Cadet in C.C.F. (R.A.F.

Section). Cert. "A", Part I, 1950. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. M. B. Rusholme. 1948-52 (St. Olave's, 1943). VC. Science Society Committee. Cadet in C.C.F. (R.A.F. Section). Cert. "A", Part I, 1950.

Signals Classification. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. P. R. L. Wetherell. 1948-52 (St. Olave's, 1944). VC. Played for 1st XV, 1951-52. 2nd XV, 1951-52. Colours, 1951-52. Played for 2nd XI

Hockey, 1950-51. L/Cpl. in C.C.F. Cert. "A", 1951.

TEMPLE J. T. Ankers. 1946-52 (St. Olave's, 1944). Head of School. Head of Temple.

Upper VI Modern. School Cert., 1948. H.S.C., 1950. State Scholarship, 1952. 1st XV Colours, 1950-51. Hockey Colours, 1951. Captain, 1952. 2nd XI Colours, 1950. Played for 1st XI, 1952. Debating Society Committee. Music Society Committee. Choir. Member of Curia. Editor of "The Peterite". C.S.M. in C.C.F. Cert. "A", 1949. Efficiency Badge. E. Robinson. 1946-52 (St. Olave's, 1944). Chapel Monitor. School Monitor.

Upper VI Modern. School Cert., 1948. H.S.C., 1950. Entrance

Examination, Exeter College, Oxford, 1951. Colts XV, 1948-49. 1st XV, 1949-50-51-52. Colours, 1949-50. Cap, 1950-51. Vice-Captain, 1951-52.

Played for "A" XV, 1950-51. Played for Leeds and District Public Schools

XV, 1951. 3rd IV, 1950. Rowed for 2nd and 3rd IV's, 1951. Secretary of Boats, 1952. School Athletics Team, 1948. Secretary of Tennis, 1952.

Choral Society, 1950-52. Choir, 1950-52. Founder-member of Curia.

Secretary, 1950-51. Games Committee. Editor of "The Peterite". Library

Monitor. Debating Society Committee. Chapel Committee. School Play, 1950. S.S.M. in C.C.F. (i/c. Army Section). Cert. "A", 1950. Efficiency

Badge. 1st Class Shot. S. J. White. 1947-52 (St. Olave's, 1944). House Monitor. Upper VI Modern.

School Cert., 1949. Entrance Examination, Worcester College, Oxford, 1952. 2nd XV, 1951. Colours, 1951. Captain, 1952. Played for "A"

XV, 1952. 2nd XI Hockey, 1951. Captain, 1951. Played for Yorkshire

Public Schools Hockey XI v. Yorkshire, 1951. 1st XI Hockey, 1952.

Colours, 1952. 2nd XI, 1950-51-52. Colours, 1951. Captain, 1952.

Secretary of Curia. S.S.M. in C.C.F. (i/c. Recruits). Cert. "A", 1949.

Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. B. Meredith. 1947-52 (St. Olave's, 1944). House Monitor. Upper VI

Modern. School Cert., 1949. 2nd XV, 1951-52. 2nd XI Hockey, 1952.

Colours, 1952. Goodburn Cup, 1952. Sgt. in C.C.F. Cert. "A", 1951.

Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. Secretary of Curia, 1952. G. W. Riley. 1947-52 (St. Olave's, 1945). House Monitor. Upper VI Science.

School Cert., 1949. Science Society Committee. Secretary, 1951-52.

Choral Society. Choir. School Play, 1947 and 1951. Cpl. in C.C.F. (Signals Section). Classified Signaller. Cert. "A", 1952. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. C. R. Eastwood. 1950-52 (St. Olave's, 1945.) Shell B. Cadet in C.C.F.

Cert. "A", Part I, 1952. 1st Class Shot. P. Richardson. 1948-52 (St. Olave's, 1946). VB. Cadet in C.C.F. (R.A.F.

Section). Cert. "A", Part I, 1951. 1st Class Shot.

R. G. Bean. Shell A.


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