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The Junior School

The Junior School

does not readily lend itself to the organ, so a piano was wheeled into Chapel on which Mr. Waive played the more flamboyant passages, while Mr, Wicks lent weight to the rest on the organ. Other Anthems sung during term were :- "Give us the wings of faith"—Bullock. "Thou visitest the earth"—Greene. "Let thy merciful ears"—Weelkes. "What are these that glow from afar"—Gray. "Save us, 0 Lord"—Bairstow.

The term ended with the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, account of which appears elsewhere.

Chairman: M. J. F. Evmurr. Secretary: J. C. OLDROYD.

After many vain, and somewhat half-hearted, attempts a meeting of existing members was held at half-term to elect new members. A week later the first full meeting of term was held and a lively discussion, "Conditions in England are ripe for a Dictatorship", proved to be a promising beginning to the year's programme. Mr. Bevan, of course, was the obvious choice of those supporting the motion, whilst those opposing contended, amongst other things, that the importance of royalty in this country was overwhelming. At the same meeting new officers were elected and it was unanimously decided that a fixed meeting time should be arranged, viz. : fortnightly on Friday evenings.

The next meeting took the form of a "One Minute, Please" session. Talent in loquacity and verbosity was discovered, in some cases even wittiness too, but several opportunities to object were missed, and the interpretation of the subjects was not all it could have been. At the final meeting, Chancellor Harrison spoke to us informally on the Minster Archives, bringing with him numerous documents, many in an excellent state of preservation.

It seems that each year successive members discover only too well that the success or failure of the Society depends on the members themselves. The three meetings we have had have been of a high standard and well attended, but continued success must be ensured by the efforts of all. Finally we must thank the Chaplain and the Domestic Bursar for furthering the success of the third meeting. J.C.O.

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