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Valete and Salvete

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The Junior School

The Junior School

lead us to think that probably he has been partaking of all the good things of college life.

To all those who have left us we extend our best wishes for the future and for successful careers in the outside world. If there are any of our number whom we have overlooked this term we should be delighted if they would make their presence known as it is proposed that we should hold an unofficial dinner in Cambridge towards the middle of the Lent Term.

Wishing the School every success in the future, We remain, Sirs, • Yours very sincerely,


VALETE (December, 1952)

THE GROVE 1 M. J. F. Everitt, 1948-52 '(St. Olave's, 1944). Chapel Monitor. School

Monitor. Upper VIth Science. School Cert., 1950. Colts XV, 1950-51. 2nd XV, 1951-52. Colours, 1951-52. "A" XV, 1951-52-53. Played for 1st XV, 1951-52. 1st XV Colours, 1952-53. Played for Colts XI, 1950. Played for 2nd XI, 1952. Member of Curia, Chairman 1952-53. Debating

Society Committee. Science Society Committee. Founder Member of

Young Farmers' Club. Choral Society. School Orchestra. Flt/Sgt. in

C.C.F. (2 i/c R.A.F. Section), Flying Scholarship, 1951. Pilot's "A"

Licence, 1952. Cert. "A", Part 1, 1949. Proficiency, 1949. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot.

J. A. E. Wick. 1949-52 (St. Olave's, 1946-49). Vc. 1st Shooting VIII, 1950-51-52. Colours, 1950-51-52-53. Played for 2nd XV, 1952. Science

Society Committee. Member of the Photographic Society. Cdt. in C.C.F. (R.A.F. Section). 1st Class Shot.


A. N. Wyatt-Gunning. 1947-52 (St. Olave's, 1942). Head of School. Head of Rise. Upper VI Science. School Cert., 1949. West Riding Major I Scholarship, 1952. Colts XV, 1947-48-49-50. Colours, 1948-49-50.

Captain, 1949-50. "A" XV, 1949-50. 1st XV, 1950-51-52-53. Colours and Cap, 1950-51-52-53. Captain, 1951-52-53. Played for Leeds and

District Public Schools, XV, 1951-52-53. Captain, 1952-53. Played for

Yorkshire Public Schools XV, 1951-52-53. Captain, 1953. 2nd XI Hockey, 1949. 1st XI Hockey, 1950-51-52. Colours, 1950-51-52. Colts, XI, 1949. 2nd XI, 1950. Colours, 1950. 1st XI, 1951-52. Colours, 1951-52. Cap, 1952. Debating Society Committee. Games Committee. Chapel

Committee. Chairman of Young Farmers' Club. Member of Curia.

C.S.M. in C.C.F. Cert. "A", 1950. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot.

SCHOOL HOUSE M. J. Firth. 1949-52. Remove. Colts XI, 1950. Colts XV, 1951. 2nd

XI, 1952. Played for 2nd XV, 1952. A.B. in R.N. Section. 1st Class

Shot. Proficiency Badge. C.C.F. Band. Cert. "A", Part 1.

TEMPLE D. J. Bird. 1948-52 (St. Olave's, 1943). L.VI Science. House Monitor.

Special Entry, R.N. College, Dartmouth, 1952. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1951.

Science Society Committee, 1951-52. Choir, 1943-52. Choral Society, 1948-52. 2nd VIII Shooting Captain, 1951-52. 1st VIII, 1951-52.

Colours, 1951-52-53. A.B. in C.C.F. (Naval Section). Cert. "A", Part 1, 1951. Leading Seaman Exam., 1952. 1st Class Shot. Efficiency Badge.

B. Potter. 1949-52. Remove. House Monitor. Choir, 1949-50-51-52.

G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. Cpl. in Army Section of C.C.F. Sig. Instructor.

Classified Signaller. Cert. "A", Part 1, 1951. Part II, 1952. Efficiency

Badge. 1st Class Shot. A. E. Simpson. 1949-52 (St. Olave's, 1947). Transitus Maths. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1952. Colts XV, 1951-52. 2nd XV, 1952-53. Played for 1st XV, 1952-53. Ldg. Seaman in C.C.F. (Naval Section). Cert. "A", Part 1, 1952. Ldg. Seaman Exam., 1952. 1st Class Shot. Efficiency Badge.

SALVETE (September, 1952)

THE GROVE P. L. Bellwood (Shell A), N. J. Dick (Shell A), D. Kirby (IVA), D. C. Mayson (Shell A), J. F. Miers (Shell a), D. W. Pickup (IVc), C. J. Quickfall (Shell

A), H. W. H. Unwin (IVA), J. G. Walker (Shell a), R. V. Webster (Shell A).


S. M. Badham (Shell A), D. N. Brocklebank (Shell A), C. B. M. Gregory (IVa), P. J. Ladd (Shell A), J. M. Lennox (Shell a), J. F. Liversidge (Shell Al,

A. G. Muxworthy (INN, D. R. Procter (Shell A), I. N. Ridley (IVs), T. G.

Tomlinson (Shell a), M. B. Wilson (IVA), C. D. M. Wood (Shell A).

THE RISE K. Brown (IVA), G. P. Burden (IVA), H. B. Burnett (Shell 13), J. F. Franklin (TVs), M. G. Hancock (IVA), D. B. Irvin (IVA), G. F. B. Mitchell (IVA),

W. N. Richards (Shell a), F. Sheldon (Shell A), C. B. Speddings (Shell A),

J. G. Spink (Shell a), E. W. Trevelyan (Shell A), F. F. Watson (Shell A),

S. J. S. Wroe (IVB).

SCHOOL HOUSE M. Collins (Shell A), C. M. Jones (Shell A), S. Mackintosh (IV's), M. Ruddock (Shell A), R. J. Sharp (Shell a), T. Watson (Shell a).

TEMPLE R. G. Bingham (Shell a), P. B. Brown (Shell a), P. H. C. Burn (Shell a),

W. E. Butland (Va), I. C. Bytheway (Shell A), C. J. Carolin (Shell A),

T. Chilman (IVA), J. C. Cooke (Shell a), W. D. Dodsworth (Shell a),

K. Gosling (IVA), J. V. Littlewood (Shell A), T. Piercy (Shell A), G. C.

Sanderson (Shell a), D. H. K. Simpson (Shell A), A. 0. Sutcliffe (Shell A),

D. H. Sutcliffe (Shell a), N. D. Taylor (IVA), M. Veal (IVB), J. M. Ward (Shell A), T. G. M. Wharram (IVc), J. A. Whitmore (Shell a), K. Wilson (Shell A).

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