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The Scout Group
from Jan 1954
by StPetersYork
Our ranks, this term, were swelled beyond all previous records; last term's large R.N. Basic Section being responsible. Consequently we split the Section into two divisions and after much argument named them Nelson and Rodney, after the famous Admirals.
The organisation of the Section was changed considerably, L/S. Ibberson being appointed P.O. in charge and L /S.s Nelson and Griffiths leaders of 'Nelson" and "Rodney" divisions. L /S. Thomas took over the stores and L /S. Chapman Divisional Writer; A/B. Shirtcliffe has charge of the whaler, for which we have a cover on order. All these spent some spare time to the benefit of the Section.
It is the aim of the Section to have as many practical manoeuvres as possible and any new suggestions and ideas will be readily welcomed. This term we have been concentrating, however, on the examinations, in which we had a good measure of success; five of the eight Petty Officers and six of the ten Leading Seamen candidates passing both written and oral.
We were pleased to hear that another of our old members, M. T. Greenwood, has been granted a commission whilst undergoing National Service in the Royal Navy. It is hoped that many of our present members will follow his example by reaching Petty Officer standard and joining the R.N.V.R. A handsome Christmas Bounty awaits those successful.
Next term we hope to be able to spend more time doing those things which have been continually "deferred until after the exams.", and so give our cadets more of the practical experience of command which proves so valuable in future years.
The outstanding event of the term was the winning of the York Senior Scout Campercraft Competition. Our representatives were P./L. (S.) J. H. Baines and Sec. (S.) R. D. Beckitt. The competition was held under extremely bad conditions during one very wet and cold November weekend and Baines and Beckitt are to be congratulated on their achievement.
Seven Scouts came up from the Scout Troop bringing the total to eighteen, but full meetings have been difficult to arrange. However, there has been instruction in both the Ambulance and Public Health badges. Four Ambulance, two Public Health, four Venturer and several other proficiency badges have been gained. On 27th October 39