On the last two parades of the term we welcomed a regular C.S.M. from the Depot of The West Yorkshire Regiment; he is coming each week to assist with Drill. This type of help from our affiliated unit is much appreciated. We would like to have a more real contact with them, for after all, the logical thing would be for those entering the Army for their National Service to serve in our local Infantry Regiment. An effort is being made to produce a permanent record, on the wall of the training room in the new hut, giving a list of those past members of the C.C.F. who have gained their commissions in either Regular or National Service. Much information of Commissioned Officers since 1946 has already been collected, but we should be most grateful to O.P.s who may read this for particulars of their achievements. The details we want are :—Date, Regiment, Corps, Service, etc., and whether Regular or National Service. It is felt that by some such means as this, attention will be drawn to the importance of producing officers for all three Services. We are constantly being reminded that the percentage who achieve officer rank in the North is far too low. We are always most interested to hear from O.P.s who have become officers in local units.
SCOUTING THE GROUP We are very pleased to record the award by the Chief Scout of the Medal of Merit to Col. K. G. Chilman, T.D., "in recognition of his outstanding service to the Scout Movement". We offer our congratulations to him upon this well-deserved honour that has been conferred on him after twenty-three years warranted service with the School Group. This Group was started by him in 1931 at the suggestion of S. M. Toyne, Esq., Head Master of that day.
SENIOR SCOUT TROOP During an otherwise uneventful term P./L. (S.) J. H. Baines and P./L. (S.) R. D. Beckitt received the ice-axe trophy which they hold
for a year to commemorate their winning of the York Senior Campercraft Competition in November. The trophy is now mounted in Big Hall. Progress was maintained in Queen's Scout and Bushman's Thong badge work while the last two Scouts attached to the Troop completed the First Class Badge and will be invested as Senior Scouts during the Summer Term. Towards the end of term planning began for the camp held in the Easter holidays in place of the traditional Youth Hostel tour.