15 minute read

Valete and Salvete

J. M. Rollinson. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1947). Upper VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1953. Ldg. Seaman in R.N. Section of

C.C.F. 2 i/c of Basic Section. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1951. Ldg. Seaman

Exam., 1952. P.O. Exam., 1953. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. W. C. Stubbs. 1951-54 (St. Olave's, 1946). VC. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954.

Colts XI, 1953. Member of Young Farmers' Club. Chapel Choir, 1953-54. Cdt. in Army Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1953.

C.C.F. Band, 1951-54. Bugler's Badge. Ldr. of Bugles, 1954. 2nd Class


THE MANOR J. A. Jackson. 1948-54 (St. Olave's, 1946). Head of The Manor. School

Monitor. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. 1st XV, 1952-53-54. Colours, 1952-53. Cap, 1953-54. "A" XV, 1953-54.

Lincolnshire Schoolboys' XV, 1954. 3rd IV, 1952-53. 2nd IV Colours, 1953. 1st IV, 1954. Colours, 1954. Games Committee. Cpl. in Army

Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pts. I and II. 1st Class Shot. J. Ford. 1948-54 (St. Olave's, 1943). House Monitor. Lower VI Science.

G.C.E., "0" Level, 1951. "A" Level, 1954. Royal School of Music (Advanced)-Flute. 2nd XI Hockey, 1953-54. Music Society Committee, 1953-54. Science Society Committee, 1950-52. Secretary, 1953-54.

Cpl. in R.A.F. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1950. Proficiency. 1st Class Shot.

J. H. Hepworth. 1948-54. House Monitor. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. 2nd XI Hockey, 1953-54. Colours, 1954. Cpl. in Army Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pts. I and II. 1st

Class Shot. R. A. Jackson. 1948-54 (St. Olave's, 1946). House Monitor. Lower VI

Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. 1st XV, 1953-54.

Colours, 1953-54. 2nd XV, 1952-53. Colours, 1952-53. Captain of

Boats, 1954. 1st IV, 1953-54. Colours, 1953-54. 2nd IV, 1952. Colours, 1952. 1st VIII, 1952-53. 4th IV Cox, 1950. Games Committee.

Member of Science Society. Member of Music Society. Cpl. in Army

Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pts. I and II. J. M. Saville. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1945). House Monitor. Transitus

Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1953. Science Society Committee.

Photographic Society Committee. 3rd IV, 1952. 2nd IV, 1953.

Colours, 1953. 1st IV, 1954. Colours, 1954. A.B. in R.N. Section of

C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1951. Ldg. Seaman Exam., 1953. J. C. Armstrong. 1952-54. VB. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954. Colts XI, 1953-54. Member of Debating Society. Choral Society, 1952. Choir, 1952. Photographic Society. School Play, 1953. Cdt. in R.A.F. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1953. Marksman. R. M. Botterill. 1950-54. VC. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954. 3rd IV Cox, 1954. 2nd IV Colours, 1953. Cdt. in Army Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1952. H. C. Bulmer. 1950-54. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1953. "A" Level, 1954. Debating Society Committee. Member of Curia.

Founder Member of Young Farmers' Club; Secretary, 1953-54. Secretary of Natural History Society, 1953. Colts XV, 1951-52-53. Colours, 1952-53.

Played for 1st XV, 1952-53-54. Colours, 1953-54. "A" XV, 1953-54. 1st XI Hockey Colours, 1954. Played for Colts XI, 1952. Played for 2nd

XI, 1953-54. L/Cpl. in Army Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pts., I and II.

Classified Signaller. Drum Leader in C.C.F. Band, 1954. Marksman. 27

A. M. Carr. 1949-54. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A"

Level, 1954. Member of Young Farmers' Club. Member of the Debating

Society. Member of Science Society. 2nd IV, 1954. Colours, 1954. 2nd Shooting VIII, 1949-51. Cpl. in Signals Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pts. I and II. Morse Instructor. Signals Classification. 1st Class

Shot. Efficiency Badge. C. S. Elston. 1950-54. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1953. "A"

Level, 1954. 1st VIII Shooting, 1953-54. Colours, 1953-54. Cdt. in

R.A. Section of C.C.F. Classified Signaller. Signals Instructor. Marksman. D. C. Jackson. 1951-54 (St. Olave's, 1948). IVC '. Founder Member of

Young Farmers' Club. Member of Science Society. Cdt. in Army Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1953. 1st Class Shot. J. H. Macdonald. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1944). Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. Member of the Debating Society. 3rd IV Cox, 1951. 4th IV, 1954. School Orchestra. School Choir, 1949-50. A.B. in R.N. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1951. Ldg.

Seaman Exam. 1st Class Shot. Efficiency Badge. J. D. Metcalfe. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1944). Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. Chess Team. Member of Science

Society. Asst. Armourer in C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I. J. W. Rudd. 1951-54. VB. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954. Member of Debating

Society. Choral Society, 1952. Cdt. in R.N. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1953. 2nd Class Shot. C. B. Simpson. 1949-54 (St, Olave's, 1944). Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. Cdt. in R.A.F. Section of C.C.F.

Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1951. R.A.F. Proficiency. 1st Class Shot, J. M. E Walton. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1946). Transitus Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1953. R.A. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pts. I and II.

Efficiency Badge. Marksman. P. B. Wilson. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1944). Lower VI Modern. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. Sgt. in H.Q. Section of C.C.F. N.C.O. i/c Armoury. Cert. "A", Pts. I and II. Marksman. QUEEN'S HOUSE R. Dunwell. 1948-54 (St. Olave's, 1946). Head of Queen's. School Monitor.

Upper VI Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1951. "A" Level, 1953. Library

Monitor. Member of Debating Society. Played for 2nd XV, 1953. Cdt. in Army Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I. 1st Class Shot. J. H. Baines. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1945). House Monitor. Lower VI

Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. Library Monitor. Debating Society

Committee, 1952-54. Secretary of Curia, 1954. School Play, 1953.

Queen's Scout. Senior Scout. Campercraft Trophy, 1953. Cpl. in

R.A.F. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1951. Proficiency, 1953.

Advanced Proficiency (+Credit), 1954. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. J. Crossley. 1950-54. House Monitor. Lower VI Modern. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. Member of Debating Society. Library

Monitor. Sgt. in R.A.F. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1951.

Proficiency, 1952. R. J. Shanks. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1947). House Monitor. Upper VI

Classics. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1953. Civil Service

Exam., 1954. Member of Science Society. Choral Society. Cpl. in

Army Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pts. I and II. 1st Class Shot.

Efficiency Badge. R. G. Brown. 1950-54. VB. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954. Cdt. in R.A.F.

Section of C.C.F. R.A.F. Swimming Certificate, 1953. Cert. "A", Pt. I.

Efficiency Badge. Marksman.

THE RISE R, D. Wheatley, 1948-54. Head of The Rise. School Monitor. Upper VI

History. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1951. "A" Level, 1953. Editor of "The

Peterite". Debating Society Committee, 1951-54. Secretary, 1952-53.

Natural History Society Secretary, 1952. Member of Curia. Chairman, 1953. Member of the Young Farmers' Club. Chairman, 1953-54.

Games Committee Secretary, 1953-54. Commonwealth Youth Visit to

Canada, 1954. Played for 2nd XV, 1951. Played for 1st XV, 1952-5354. 2nd XV, 1952-53-54. Colours, 1953-54. "A" XV, 1953-54. Played for 2nd XI Hockey, 1953. 2nd XI Hockey Colours, 1954. S.S.M. i/c

Recruit Section of C.C.F. C.C.F. Band, 1949-54. Drum Major. Cert. "A", Pts. I and II. 1st Class Shot. Efficiency Badge. W. R. Ibberson. 1949-54. School Monitor. Upper VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1953. Member of Debating Society. Member of Science Society and Treasurer. Member of Curia. School Play, 1952-53.

Played for Colts XV, 1951-52. 2nd XV, 1952-53-54. Captain and Colours, 1953-54. 4th IV, 1952. 1st VIII, 1953. 2nd IV, 1953-54. Colours, 1954. Shot for 1st VIII, 1951-52. 1st Shooting VIII, 1952-53-54.

Colours, 1952-53. Captain, 1953-54. P.O. i/c R.N. Section of C.C.F.

Cert, "A", Pt. I, 1951. Ldg, Seaman Exam., 1952. P.O. Exam, 1953.

C.C.F. Band, 1951-53. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. J. B. Claydon. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1947). House Monitor. Upper VI

Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1953. Essex County

Major Scholarship, 1954. Qualifying Exam. for Mechanical Sciences

Tripos, Cambridge, 1954. Chess Team, 1953-54. 4th IV, 1954. Member of Curia. Secretary, 1954. Member of Debating Society. Choral

Society. Editor of "The Peterite". Chapel Committee. Cpl. in R.A.F.

Section of C.C.F. i/c R.A.F. Basic Section. Proficiency, 1953. C.C.F.

Band, 1951-53. Marksman. J. M. Grainger. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1946). House Monitor. Lower VI

Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. Choir, 1949-50.

Choral Society, 1949-53. Music Society Committee. Played for 2nd

XI Hockey, 1953. 2nd XI Hockey, 1954. A.B. in R.N. Section of

C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I. Ldg. Seaman and A.B. Exams. Marksman. B, M. Nendick. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1946). House Monitor. Upper VI

Classics. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1953. East Riding

Major Scholarship, 1954. Choral Society, 1948-54. Fencing Team, 1953-54. Captain and Colours, 1954. Choir, 1949-54. Cert. "A", Pts.

I and II. Sgt. i/c Army Section of C.C.F. 1st Class Shot. F. B. Hudson. 1950-54. VB. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954. Colts, XI, 1952. 1st XI, 1953-54. Colours, 1953-54. Played for 2nd XI Hockey, 1954.

Member of Debating Society. Member of Science Society. Cdt. in R.A.F.

Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I. 1st Class Shot. SCHOOL HOUSE R. Nelson. 1949-54. Head of School House. School Monitor. Vice-Head of School. Transitus Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. 2nd XV, 195152-53. Colours, 1952-53. 1st XV, 1953-54. Colours and Cap, 1953-54. 2nd XI Hockey, 1953. 1st XI Hockey, 1954. Colours, 1954. 2nd XI, 1951-52-53. 1st XI, 1954. Colours, 1954. Squash Team, 1953-54.

Captain of Squash. Shot for 1st VIII. Captain of 2nd Shooting VIII, 1953-54. Games Committee. P.O. in R.N. Section of C.C.F. N.C.O. i/c Basic Sections. Cert. "A", Pt. I. Ldg. Seaman Exam., 1952. P.O.

Exam., 1953. Marksman. J. N. I. Howat. 1948-54 (St. Olave's, 1946). School Monitor. Chapel

Monitor. Upper VI Maths. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1953. Member of Debating Society. Member of Curia. Chapel Com-


mittee. Choir, 1950-54. Choral Society, Secretary, 1953-54. Music

Society Committee, Secretary, 1952-53. School Orchestra. 4th IV, 1953. 3rd IV, 1954. Sgt. i/c R.A. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pts. I and II. 1st Class Shot. Efficiency Badge. D. C. Holmes. 1948-54 (St. Olave's, 1945). School Monitor. Lower VI

Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1951. "A" Level, 1953. Founder Member of Young Farmers' Club. Secretary, 1952-53. Deputy Leader, 1953-54.

Library Monitor. Debating Society Committee. 2nd XI Hockey, 1953-54. Colours, 1954. Played for 1st XI Hockey, 1954. 2nd XI, 1953. 1st XI, 1954. Colours, 1954. Secretary of Tennis, 1954. Sgt. in R.A.F. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I. R.A.F. Proficiency. 2nd

Class Shot. G. D. Gardner. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1946). House Monitor. Lower VI.

G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. Debating Society Committee, 1952-54. Founder

Member of Young Farmers' Club. Played for Colts XV, 1951-52. Played for 2nd XV, 1952-53. 1st XV, 1953-54. Colours, 1953-54. "A" XV, 1953-54. 4th IV, 1952-53. 2nd IV, 1954. Colours, 1954. Spring

Regatta, IV, 1954. 1st Shooting VIII, 1953-54. Colours, 1953-54.

Individual Shot Cup and Medal, 1953. L/Sgt. in Army Section of C.C.F.

N.C.O. i/c Classification Shooting. Cert. "A", Pts. I and II. Efficiency

Badge. Marksman. C. J. Griffiths. 1949-54. House Monitor. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. Chapel Committee. 1st Shooting VIII, 1952-53-54. Colours, 1952-53-54. 2nd XV, 1952-53-54. Colours, 1953-54. Chess Team, 1953-54. Ldg. Seaman in R.N. Section of C.C.F.

Ldg. Seaman Exam., 1952. P.O. Exam., 1953. Cert. "A", Pt. I. Marksman. Efficiency Badge. M. J. McCallum. 1949-54. House Monitor. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. Founder Member of Young Farmers'

Club. Treasurer, 1953-54. Played for Colts XV, 1952. 2nd XV, 1953-54. "A" XV, 1953-54. 3rd IV, 1954. A/L/Cpl. in Army Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I. Signals Classification. Cpl. i/c Technical

Signals. Marksman. R. M. Stork. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1947). House Monitor. Lower VI

Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. Member of Young Farmers' Club.

Played for Colts XV, 1952. L/Cpl. in Army Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pts. I and II. 1st Class Shot. Efficiency Badge. C. C. S. Chapman. 1950-54. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. Member of Debating Society. Member of Science

Society. Member of Young Farmers' Club. A.B. in R.N. Section of

C.C.F. Ldg. Seaman Exam., 1953. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1951. R.N.

Divisional Office Writer. Marksman. Efficiency Badge. W. B. Crosskill. 1950-54. VC. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954. 1st XI Hockey, 1953. Colours, 1953-54. Colts XV, 1952-53. Colts XI, 1953. A.B. in

R.N. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1952. Marksman. J. R. Dawson. 1951-54 (St. Olave's, 1948). VC. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954.

Founder Member of Young Farmers' Club. Cdt. in Army Section of

C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1953. F. G. Etches. 1950-54. VB. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954. Cdt. in R.A.F.

Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1952. Marksman. R. M. Hick. 1950-54 (St. Olave's, 1945). Lower VI Modern. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. Choir, 1946-50. Choral Society. School

Orchestra, 1953. School Play, 1953-54. Music Society Committee, 1953. Member of the Science Society. Ldg. Cdt. in R.A.F. Section of

C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1951. R.A.F. Proficiency, 1953. 2nd Class


C. M. Jones. 1952-54. IVC. Member of Young Farmers' Club. Cdt. in

Basic Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1954. C. R. G. McNiel. 1950-54 (St. Olave's, 1946). Transitus Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1953. School Play, 1953. Founder Member of Young

Farmers' Club. Librarian, 1953. Vice-Chairman, 1954. A.B. in R.N.

Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1952. A.B. Exam., 1953. Ldg.

Seaman Exam., 1954. 2nd Class Shot. R. E. L. Micklethwait. 1951-54 (St. Olave's, 1946). IVC. Founder Member of Young Farmers' Club. Cdt. in Army Section of C'.C.F. P. J. Middlebrook. 1950-54. VC. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1953. School Play, 1952-53. Cdt. in R.A.F. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1953. 1st

Class Shot. P. J. Taylor. 1950-54 (St. Olave's, 1946). Transitus Modern. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1953. Member of Young Farmers' Club. Member of Debating

Society. Member of Science Society. Ldg. Cdt. in R.A.F. Section of

C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1951. R.A.F. Proficiency, 1953. 2nd Class

Shot. T. E. Thomas. 1950-54 (St. Olave's, 1945). Transitus Modern. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1953. School Play, 1952-53. Member of Debating Society Committee, 1952-54. Transitus XI v. The Indians, 1954. Played for 2nd

XI Hockey, 1954. Ldg. Seaman in R.N. Section of C.C'.F. A.B. Exam., 1952. Ldg. Seaman Exam., 1953. 2nd Class Shot.

TEMPLE P. G. Taylor. 1948-54 (St. Olave's, 1946). Head of School. Head of

Temple. School Monitor. Upper VI Classics. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1952. City of York Major Scholarship, 1954. State Scholarship, 1954. Colts XV, 1950-51. Colours, 1950-51. 1st XV, 1951-5253-54. Colours, 1951-52. Cap, 1952-53-54. Vice-Captain, 1952-53.

Captain of Rugby, 1953-54. Played for "A" XV, 1952-53, Captain. 1st XI Hockey, 1954. Colours and Cap, 1954. Played for Colts Cricket XI, 1951. 2nd XI, 1954. Captain, 1954. Member of Curia, 1952-54.

Secretary, 1953. Chairman, 1954. Chapel Committee. Member of

Debating Society. Music Society Committee. Games Committee.

Editor of "The Peterite". Library Monitor. C.S.M. in C'.C.F. D. H. Timms. 1948-54 (St. Olave's, 1946). School Monitor. Upper VI

Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1952. North Riding

County Major Scholarship, 1953. State Scolarship, 1954. Member of

Debating Society. Member of Curia. Editor of "The Peterite". Games

Committee. Played for 2nd XI Hockey, 1954. Played for 2nd XI, 1954.

Flt/Sgt. i/c R.A.F. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1950. R.A.F.

Proficiency, 1950. Advanced Proficiency, 1954. P. Crowe. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1945). House Monitor. Lower VI Modern.

G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. Member of Debating

Society. Colts XI, 1952. Played for 1st XI, 1953-54. 2nd XI, 1954. 2nd XI Hockey, 1953-54. Colours, 1953. N. R. Seaton. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1947). House Monitor. Lower VI

Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. 2nd IV Coxing Colours, 1950. 4th IV, 1954. Cpl. in R.A.F. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1951 (with Credit). R.A.F. Proficiency, 1952. 1st Class Shot. Efficiency

Badge. R. D. Welch. 1950-54. House Monitor. Lower VI Modern. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. Library Monitor. School Orchestra.

Member of Science Society. Choir, 1952-54. 3rd XV, 1953. C.Q.M.S. in Army Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pts. I and II. 1st Class Shot.

Efficiency Badge.

J. M. Welsh. 1949-54 (St. Olave's, 1947). House Monitor. Lower VI

Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1952. "A" Level, 1954. Played for 2nd

XV, 1952. 2nd XV, 1953. 4th IV Cox, 1950. Member of Curia.

Library Monitor. Sgt. 2nd i/c R.A.F. Section of C.C'.F. Cert. "A",

Pt. 1, 1951. R.A.F. Proficiency (with Credit). Advanced Proficiency.

Flying Scholarship, 1953. 1st Class Shot. C. B. Hardie. 1951-54. VC. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954. Choir, 1951-54.

Choral Society, 1951-53. Cdt. in R.A.F. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A",

Pt. I, 1952. C.C.F. Band, 1952-54. Bugle Badge. 1st Class Shot. P. A. Lacy. 1951-54. VC. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954. Member of the

Science Society. Cdt. in Army Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I.

Signals Classification. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. J. A. Sutton. 1950-54. Transitus B. G.C'.E., "0" Level, 1953. Choir.

Music Society Committee. Glee Club. School Play, 1953. Played for 2nd XV and "A" XV, 1953. O.S. in R.N. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I, 1952. 1st Class Shot. T. S. M. Wharram. 1952-54. IVC. Cdt. in Army Basic Section of C.C.F.


SALVETE (May, 1954)

Newbigging, S. H. (Shell B). THE GROVE

Way, B. G. (Shell A). SCHOOL HOUSE


Summer Term, 1954

HEAD OF SCHOOL : P. G. TAYLOR. SCHOOL MONITORS : Head of The Grove: M. J. KENT. Head of The Manor: J. A. JACKSON. Head of Queen's House: R. DUNWELL. Head of The Rise: R. D. WHEATLEY. Head of School House: R. NELSON. Head of Temple: P. G. TAYLOR. Chapel Monitor: J. N. T. HOWAT. D. G. HOLMES. D. K. TIMMS. W. R. IBBERSON. HOUSE MONITORS : The Grove: M. J. BADDELEY, P. G. BROOKE, P. L. BARDGETT. B. N.







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