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The C.C.F
from May 1956
by StPetersYork
he was the rock; the rock on which the Church of England was built. Out of the flames of Cranmer's glorious end, there rose up, Phoenixlike, the glorious beginnings of the English Church.
Despite the recent recommendations of the Minister for War, it is noted that St. Peter's School C.C.F. still adheres to the old tradition of "spit and polish" as is evident from this extract from the weekly orders : "R.N. Basic will have a demonstration in boot cleaning".
This term, as in others, there were the usual promotions and appointments. Among these were D. G. Barton, who becomes an S.S.M.; M. Carter and Hopwood, full sergeants; D. Kirby, the acting C.Q.M.S.; Scarth, the Armourer Sergeant, with Cpl. Le Pla as his assistant and Isherwood an Acting Cpl. in charge of shooting.
The R.A.F. proficiency results proved to be quite good, and in the future the few old faces which have annually graced the examination room will no longer be present.
The "Senior Service" Section has really excelled itself by obtaining its best-ever Leading Seamen and Petty Officer results. We would like to congratulate both the examinees and their instructors on these excellent results.
Instruction classes have been held each Thursday at 1220 and will prove valuable when Certificate "A", Part II, is taken in the second week of the Summer Term.
The good work being done by Sgt. Clough and his "livewires" of the Signals Section was made manifest in the excellent result of the "22 set" competition. This was achieved despite the temporary loss of a roof over their heads; but they carried on undaunted and unobtrusively as usual.
Arctic conditions prevailed for a long period this term, and it is rumoured that the C.O. was most perturbed at the number of Senior N.C.O.s and others who suddenly had urgent business in the Company Office, where, by purest coincidence, there was a most efficient heater blazing merrily.
We look forward to warmer conditions next term, with the formalities of the General Inspection and Summer Camp.
Owing to the new intake which joined the Section at the beginning of term, the numbers were increased to 48 cadets, and consequently it became practicable to parade by Divisions once more.
The main part of the term was taken up in preparation for the P.O. and L/S. examinations which took place on 28th February.