13 minute read
The Junior School
from Oct 1956
by StPetersYork
The time to write these notes has come round even more quickly than usual, it seems, but happily most items of news are mentioned in detail elsewhere, and there is little to say except that once more we have had an eventful term.
We welcome Mr. D. P. Johnston to the staff. Already he has proved himself to be a most useful and energetic member, and we hope that he will settle down to a long and successful stay with us.
For the first time this term, the Choir have blossomed forth in bright red cassocks and dazzling white surplices. The general effect has been most striking. They have also had an outing all to themselves, when the town of Scarborough received them, we hope with joy. We have had two special services, on Ascension Day and on St. Peter's Day. As the former occurred so very near to the start of the term, we did not mark it with a holiday, but a half holiday was given on St. Peter's Day, when all the boarders braved the rigours of the coast. We also had a holiday on Whit Monday, preparing ourselves for the strenuous events on Whit Tuesday, when a most successful atheltics meeting was held. Mrs. Headlam kindly presented the spoons to the individual winners and the Shield to Ainsty.
Throughout the term we have been plagued with the odd case of mumps, and our cricket fixtures have been somewhat curtailed. As we did not have a particularly successful season, this may have been a blessing in disguise, but we finished much better than we started, winning two matches and giving the fathers a run for their money. Unfortunately both Miss Mason and Miss Gibson fell foul of the plague, but they recovered before the end of the term.
As usual, boys were permitted to attend the Yorkshire Show on one of the three days. Since it always comes just close to the start of examinations, we can obviously not give permission for all and sundry to go there whenever they wish, and one afternoon instead of games seems a reasonable and fair ration.
Our end of term festivities were held in fine weather, and our Speech Day on 25th July was a marked success. Sir Lumley Dodsworth presented the prizes, and gave us a short and enlightened speech which all enjoyed. The various exhibitions surpassed, if anything, their usual high standard, and particular mention must be made of the Science Exhibition. The boys themselves explained the various experiments with impressive clarity, and showed that all their instruction had not been in vain.
The Swimming Sports were held on the 26th, and the prizes and Shield were presented by Mrs. Cooper. The highlight of the occasion was the manner in which N. J. Smith collected his array of spoons. As a quick change artist, he is remarkable, and, when he was a little late in arriving for the third time, he very nearly had to collect his spoon from the bottom of the baths. As by this time he was completely clad, he would then have had practice in undressing as well as dressing. For the first time, boarders were allowed home immediately after the Swimming Sports, thereby saving parents a second journey on the morrow.
M. G. H. Adcock
J. G. Ainley
R. G. Armstrong
J. A. Baldwin
M. J. Barney
J. W. Beckett
A. G. Black
A. P. Bramworth
Anthony S. Brining
J. C. Brisby
C. L. Brown
T. P. Brown
R. G. Bruce
S. P. Burton
G. H. Dale
L. P. Dobson T. P. N. Fawcett F. H. Fearnside A. J. D. Foster T. E. Giddings G. Gildener A. Hardman S. N. Harrison A. M. Headlam P. G. Humpherson R. E. Jaques P. Johnson I. Kirkus J. C. Lacy D. A. Larg D. M. Patchett T. J. Pick
M. Pickard J. D. A. Platts D. J. Plummer S. H. Reiss D. H. Rhodes D. S. H. Ridley J. G. Saunders D. C. Shubrook C. P. Spencer P. Stuttard D. W. Walsh M. H. Watson J. F. Williams A. F. Wilson R. A. B. Wood J. G. Wright To OTHER SCHOOLS: A. A. Dytch S. R. Hutchinson G. K. Toas
R. H. Haxby M. F. Pheasey
ST. OLAVE'S SPEECH DAY Wednesday, 25th July, 1956
The following was the programme :-
2- 0 p.m. Speeches and Presentation of Prizes by Sir Lumley Dodsworth. 3- 0 p.m. Cricket Match : St. Olave's XI v. Fathers' XI. 4-30 p.m. Tea. 5-15-6-30 p.m. A Science Exhibition was opened in the Science Block. PRIZE LIST The Wytehead Memorial Prizes for Divinity :
Jv : A. M. Headlam
Jiv : J. J. Kettlewell
Jiii : G. F. Bach
Ji and Jii : W. M. Hudson The Willsdon Handwriting Prizes :
Jv : R. G. Bruce
Jiv : C. J. Batty
Jiii : N. G. Pace
Ji and Jii : R. D. Harding The Old Peterite Club Reading Prizes :
Jv : A. M. Headlam
Jiv : P. C. N. Brown
Jiii: A. W. Perry
Ji and Jii : R. W. G. Clegg English Essay Prizes :
Jv : C. P. Spencer
Jiv : R. E. Bryan
Jiii: M. Sutcliffe
Ji and Jii : J. E. Fearnside General Knowledge Prizes :
Jv : C. P. Spencer
Jiv : D. L. Marshall
Jiii : J. D. Carr
Ji and Jii : J. N. Spencer Art Prizes : Jv : P. G. Humpherson Jiv : J. D. M. Hackney Jiii : P. J. Holmes Ji and Jii : D. St. C. Bruce Music Prizes : Piano : C. F. Foster Violin : J. C. Brisby FormPrizes : JvA : M. C. M. Jesper JvB: D. A. Larg JvC: T. E. Giddings JivA : R. A. Spencer JivB : G. M. Holgate JivC : J. N. Arundale JiiiA : C. G. Evans JiiiB : J. D. Carr JiiA : J. W. Hey JiiB : H. Biddle Ji : G. F. Eastaugh Presentation of : The Work Shield to Wentworth The Rugger Shield to Alcuin The Cricket Shield to Alcuin The Cross Country Shield to Ainsty The Boxing Shield to Elmet and Ainsty The Games Cup to Ainsty
Wentworth Alcuin Elmet Ainsty Christmas Term ... 15.77 13.38 13.83 14.63 Easter Term ... 8.34 8.15 8.11 9.06 Summer Term 16.96 13.17 15.72 14.87
Total 41.07 34.70 37.66 38.56
INTER-HOUSE GAMES CUP, 1955-56 The Cup was won by Ainsty. The details are given below :-
Wentworth Boxing ... ... ---
Alcuin Elmet Ainsty — 2/ 2/ Football ... 3 10 6 — Cross-Country 3 — — 10 Athletics ... 3 — — 10 Cricket ... 1/ 10 — 71 Swimming ... 3 — 10 —
Total 13/ 20 18/ 30
We had a most successful season, leading up to a good all-round standard in the Swimming Sports. One record, the Middle One Length Back-stroke, was just beaten by C. M. Wilkinson. Of the 231 boys in the School, no fewer than 103 boys have passed the School test, and the following figures may be of interest :-
Boys who have passed the test ... Boys who have swum a length ... Boys who have swum a width ... Non-swimmers Not allowed to bathe 103 62 24 37 5
Total 231
One Length (Free Style). 1st, Bruce, R. G., 2nd Headlam, A, M., 3rd Reiss, S. H., 4th Burton. Time : 15.9 secs.
One Length (Back-stroke). 1st Bruce, R. G., 2nd Brisby, 3rd Wright, 4th Hardman. Time : 22.0 secs.
Two Lengths (Breast-stroke). 1st Reiss, S. H., 2nd Brown, T. P., 3rd Watson, M. H., 4th Wright. Time : 48.5 secs.
Dive. 1st Alexander, 2nd Reiss, S. H., 3rd Headlam, A. M., 4th Hump herson.
Plunge. 1st Brisby, 2nd Ainley, 3rd Burton, 4th Watson, M. H. Distance : 39 ft. 10 iris.
One Length (Free Style). 1st Wilkinson, 2nd Bruce, R. L., 3rd Cossins, 4th Skiera and Bruce, D. S. Time : 21.9 secs.
One Length (Back-stroke). 1st Wilkinson, 2nd Bruce, R. L., 3rd Skiera, 4th Brown, J. R. Time : 21.4 secs.
Dive. 1st Bruce, R. L., 2nd Yeomans, 3rd Smith, R. J. G., 4th Skiera.
Plunge. 1st Bruce, D. S., 2nd Cossins, 3rd Wilkinson, 4th Brown, J. R. Distance: 32 ft. 9 ins.
One Length (Free Style). 1st Hyde, 2nd Smith, N. 4th Semper. Time : 21.9 secs.
Dive. 1st Eastaugh, 2nd Smith, N. J., 3rd Semper, Hetherton.
Relay. 1st Elmet, 2nd Wentworth, 3rd Alcuin. Time: Winners of Shield-1st Elmet, 76; 2nd Alcuin, 661; 3rd 4th Ainsty, 37. Consolation Race—Toas. Beginners' Length—Blackburn. Beginners' Width—Smith, G. R. J., 3rd Ruddock,
4th Harding and
59.8 secs. Wentworth, 611;
We began the year by welcoming Mr. Pemberton as an Assistant Scoutmaster, bringing our total of Scouters in this section of the Group to three. We had in consequence sufficient Scouters available to split the Troop into two parts, Boarders and Day Boys, for all purposes. The Patrols in each part were based on Houses, and the number of Scouts in the Junior School was increased by a half. These two sections operated separately throughout the year, but combined for the Summer Camp. This reorganisation worked very well in general, but there were occasions when the House spirit was apt to come rather too much to the fore.
Training has proceeded satisfactorily and many proficiency badges gained. This summer we held the annual camp at Cropton, and in spite of the unusually wet weather, which inevitably curtailed our activities, much experience of lasting value was gained.
This year from nine matches arranged seven were played and out of these two were won, one was drawn and four were lost.
We have had a young side and are looking forward to next season when we shall have 4 or 5 of this season's team as a nucleus.
M. G. M. Jesper is to be congratulated on receiving his School cricket colours.
Jesper topped the batting averages by scoring 90 runs in 7 innings for an average of 15.00, and Turnbull the bowling by taking 7 wickets for 41 runs for an average of 5.86 per wicket.
The following represented the School in matches :-
M. G. M. Jesper (Captain), G. Gildener, J. G. Wright, D. A. Turnbull, J. R. Hutchinson, R. A. B. Wood, R. A. Wood, J. Lacy, D. M. Patchett, T. J. Pick, and W. H. Watson. Also played : C. M. Wilkinson, R. G. Armstrong, T. E. Giddings, S. H. Reiss, A. Hardman, and M. F. Pheasey.
This year five games afternoons were set aside for standards, but one of these was rather too wet. We managed to give everyone at least two attempts at each event, and the result was that we gained rather more points per boy than last year. We have never had such a close contest, and we had to go to the third decimal point before we could separate Elmet from Wentworth, both of whom started the sports with 80 points. Ainsty followed with 77 and Alcuin with 75, so no House was out of the running before the actual start of the sports.
The following gained the maximum number of points for standards :—
SENIORS : —Alexander and Armstrong Mentworth), Humpherson (Ainsty).
MIDDLES : —Carr, Richardson, J. L., Sessions, and Spencer, R. A. (Ainsty), Richman (Alcuin).
JuNtoRs :—Fawcett, R. M., and Semper (Alcuin), Slade (Elmet), Watson, S. P. (Ainsty).
We had a lovely day for the Sports, held on 22nd May, and a large crowd of parents came. After the first batch of field events Wentworth were in the lead, but from then onwards Ainsty slowly forged ahead, and clinched matters by winning two of the relays. The other three Houses were all in a bunch before the relays, but Alcuin dropped well behind and Wentworth just managed to beat Elmet for second place. The most notable individual result was Armstrong's 880 Yards. Aided by a very fast first lap from Harrison, he managed to beat the existing record made as long ago as 1947. Both Sessions and Cloughton gained two firsts, one second, and were in the winning relay team.
As a variation this year, we doubled the number of consolation races and varied the distance of each race, so that the eight year olds had a mere 40 yards to go, whilst the over 13s had to go 400 yards. Only the winner received a spoon, but there were far more runners and the experiment was a success.
At the end of the meeting Mrs. Headlam presented the Shield and spoons.
880 Yards. 1st Armstrong, 2nd Watson, M. H., 3rd Middleton, 4th Pheasey. Time : 2 mins. 32.8 secs. 220 Yards. 1st Wood, R. A., 2nd Humpherson, 3rd Alexander, 4th Brown, C. L. Time : 30.4 secs. 100 Yards. 1st Wood, R. A., 2nd Brown, C. L., 3rd Dobson, 4th Abel, M. A. Time : 12.6 secs.
High Jump. 1st Headlam, A. M., 2nd Alexander, 3rd Stuttard, 4th Humpherson. Height : 4 ft. 0 in.
Long Jump : 1st Dobson, 2nd Wood, R. A. B., 3rd Patchett, 4th Shubrook. Distance : 13 ft. 9 ins.
Cricket Ball. 1st Reiss, 2nd Pheasey, 3rd Hart, 4th Patchett. Distance : 55 yds. 0 ft. 11 ins.
Relay. 1st Wentworth, 2nd Elmet, 3rd Ainsty. Time : 58.5 secs.
440 Yards. 1st Carr, 2nd Wilkinson, 3rd Routledge, 4th Holgate. Time : 71.8 secs. 220 Yards. 1st Sessions, 2nd Bowling, 3rd Tomlinson, 4th Richardson,
J. L. Time : 32.7 secs. 80 Yards. 1st Sessions, 2nd Bowling, 3rd Richman, 4th Carr. Time : 10.8 secs. High Jump. 1st Tomlinson, 2nd Sessions, 3rd Adcock, R. J., 4th Bruce,
R. L. Height : 3 ft. 9 ins. Long Jump. 1st Bowling, 2nd Richman, 3rd Richardson, J. L., 4th
Headlam, K. W. Distance : 11 ft. 8 ins. Cricket Ball. 1st Richardson, J. L., 2nd Gartside, 3rd Bruce, R. L., 4th Wroe. Distance : 52 yds. 2 ft. 3 ins. Relay. 1st Ainsty, 2nd Elmet, 3rd Wentworth. Time : 63 secs.
JUNIOR. 220 Yards. 1st Cloughton, 2nd Fawcett, R. M., 3rd Hetherton, 4th Slade. Time : 33.3 secs. 100 Yards. 1st Watson, S. P., 2nd Birch, 3rd Todd, 4th Harding. Time : 14.4 secs. 50 Yards. 1st Cloughton, 2nd Fawcett, R. M., 3rd Watson, S. P., 4th Stott. Time : 7.2 secs.
High Jump. 1st Harding, 2nd Watson, S. P., 3rd Coles, 4th Ward, W. J. P. Height : 3 ft. 4 ins.
Long Jump. 1st Slade, 2nd Fawcett, R. M., 3rd Clarke, 4th Holmes, I. L. Distance : 11 ft. ins.
Cricket Ball. 1st Harding, 2nd Cloughton, 3rd Clayton, 4th Collomosse. Distance : 44 yds.
Relay. 1st Ainsty, 2nd Wentworth, 3rd Elmet. Time : 66.6 secs. CONSOLATION RACES.
Under 9. Harris.
Under 10. Hyde.
Under 11. Holmes, P. J.
Under 12. Popplewell.
Under 13. Smith, J. R.
Over 13. Ridley. WINNERS OF SHIELD. Ainsty, 168; Wentworth, 144; Elmet, 141; Alcuin, 122.
The Peterite is the magazine of St. Peter's School, York. The Editors solicit literary contributions and general correspondence from past and _present Peterites. No notice can be taken of anonymous correspondence. Contributors may, if they prefer it, send their name in a separate envelope, which will not be opened unless the contribution is accepted.
Where the contributor's name is not intended for publication, his "nom-de-plume" should be enclosed as well. The subscription to The Peterite is 6s. Od. per annum, payable in advance, i.e., before the issue of the first number of the year (January). Members of the O.P. Club receive The Peterite gratuitously. The Peterite is published three times a year, at the beginning of each term. If any member of the O.P. Club should not receive their numbers of The Peterite, the Editors would be obliged if notice could be sent at once to The Bursar, St. Peter's School, York. The Editors of The Peterite will be glad to supply any past numbers which they may have to those desiring them, at the price of Is. Od. per copy. Applications for advertising space to be made to The Bursar, St.
Peter's School, York.