OLD PETERITE NEWS COMMEMORATION The Commemoration weekend will ti3e from Friday, 26th July, to Sunday, 28th July. Preliminary information about the programme is given on page 2 of this issue, and full details will be sent in due course to each member of the O.P. Club. The O.P. Dinner will again be held on the Saturday evenineat the School, since there can be no doubt that last year's experimental re-arrangement of the time and place of the function was an unqualified success. R. A. Stratton, Tynron, 8 Riddings Road, Hale, Cheshe, will again be responsible for the O.P. cricket team and K. H. Rhodes, at the School, will, as usual, arrange the boat races. It is hoped, too, to arrange a fencing contest against the School team and any O.P. who would care to take part should contact K. H. Rhodes. The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be at 6-30 p.m. on the Saturday, prior to the Dinner, and it is strongly urged that all O.P.s who are present at Commemoration will make a special effort to attend and make the meeting truly representative. GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the General Committee of the Old Peterite Club was held at the School on Saturday, 9th March, 1957. The Acting Head Master (Mr. L. Burgess) was in the Chair; the President and Hon. Secretary and 19 members of the Committee attended. A cable of good wishes was received from the Head Master in the sunny climes of South Africa. A quotation for the supply of chrome blazer buttons machine indented with the School coat-of-arms was accepted and it was hoped that they would be on sale at the School shop during Commemoration. Upon further consideration the Hon. Secretary was instructed to bespeak a suitable design and firm quotation for an O.P. business tie for submission to the next A.G.M. if members then present so desired. It was reported that the response for volunteers from members to give suitable Careers talks at the School as outlined in the last issue of "The Peterite" had been disappointing. Any member willing to do so is urged to write to the Careers Master at the School. The organisation of District Committees for (i) the Midlands, (ii) the South and South-West, was referred to the next A.G.M. Any O.P. living in either of those regions who is prepared to volunteer as Hon. Secretary thereof is asked to write to the Hon. Secretary of the Club. Mr. E. Rawson-Lax having resigned as Hon. Secretary of Yor District, Mr. C. S. Shepherd, of 45 Middlethorpe Drive, Dringhous York, has been appointed in his stead. Will York members please note The next meeting of the Committee will be held at the School a 5 p.m. on Saturday, 18th May. 8