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The Chapel
from Oct 1957
by StPetersYork
The outstanding events of the term in Chapel have been the Sung Communion Services on Ascension Day and St. Peter's Day, and, of course, the Commemoration Service on the last Sunday morning of term.
It has been very encouraging to find a continued increase in the number of Communicants and particularly that more members of the School are coming to the week-day celebrations.
We are most grateful to the Bishop of Selby, who preached at the Commemoration Service, and to the Reverend Lionel Griffith, an Old Peterite, and the Reverend R. L. H. Lloyd, Rector of Bishopthorpe, who also came to preach during the term.
The School is now affiliated to Toc H, so that boys who are leaving may have the chance of hearing something of its work. On 23rd July Mr. Alec Churcher, the Schools and Service Secretary of Toc H, came to give an introductory talk to the Sixth Forms.
Thesz notes cannot end without a word of warm appreciation to D. Kirby for his admirable work as Chapel Monitor throughout the year; and to the large number of monitors who have served so regularly and efficiently at the Altar.
Receipts. Expenditure.
s. d. s. d. Balance (29.9.56) 46 2 3 Wafers, Candles, etc. ... 6 16 11 Collections to 30.6.57 ... 324 11 4 British Legion (Wreath) 2 0 0 Grant from School ... 10 0 0 Communicant Manuals ... 8 3 6 Printing Carol Service (half share) ... ... 16 0 0 St. Stephen's Children's Home ... ... 17 18 11 Godfrey Walker Home ... 17 18 11 Sherwood College, India 25 0 0
£380 13 7 93 18 3 Balance (30.6.57) ... 286 15 4
£380 13 7
Notes: (1) Of the balance on 30th June, 1957, £25 18s. I ld. is earmarked for the Chapel Furnishing Fund. (2) The extra sum of £38 7s. Od. has been received from Chapel Collections since 30th June.
At a meeting of the Chapel Committee on 21st July the following donations were agreed :— Chapel Furnishing Fund, £15; Friends of York Minster, £3 3s. Od. (corporate membership); York Minster Appeal, £10; York Diocesan Board of Finance (for Quota Fund), £10; Family Service Unit (York), £15;
Training of the Ministry (York Diocese), £35; Church Army, £10; Royal