12 minute read

Valete and Salvete


THE GROVE P. L. Bellwood. 1952-58. School Monitor. U.VI Modern. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. 3rd XV, 1957. 2nd XI Hockey, 1958. 2nd XI Cricket, 1958 (Colours). School Swimming, 1958. Hon. Secretary,

Tennis, 1958. L/Seaman, 2 i/c R.N. Section. Drum Major, 1958. Cert. "A", Part I. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. School Play, 1954-56-57-58.

Choir. 1952-53. Debating Society Committee, 1957-58. Curia Secretary, 1957; Chairman, 1958. Secretary, Games Committee, 1958. P. B. Burbidge. 1953-58. House Monitor. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1956; "A" Level, 1958. 1st XV, 1956-57. 1st XI Hockey, 1958. 1st XI Cricket, 1956-57-58. Cpl. in Basic Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. Games Committee. R. A. Field. 1953-58. House Monitor. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956; "A" Level, 1958. North Riding Major Bursary, 1958. Electrical

Rating, R.N. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. Leading Seaman Examination.

Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. Secretary, Music Society. C. Hermiston. 1955-58. VA. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1958. Junior Colts XV, 1957. Senior Colts XI, 1958 (Colours). Cadet, R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A",

Part I. Marksman. House Representative, Junior Science Society. S. S. Hobson. 1954-58. Transitus E. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957. 2nd XV, 1958 (Colours). Fencing Colours, 1958. 4th IV, 1957. Goodburn Cup, 1957. Bronze Cross, R.L.S.S., 1955. Award of Merit, 1956. Bar to

Award of Merit, 1957. Cadet, R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. 1st Class Shot. W. House. 1953-58. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956; "A" Level, 1958. 2nd XV, 1957 (Colours). Cpl., Army Section. Cert. "A", Parts

I and II. Marksman. School Play, 1955. R. L. Jobling. 1954-58. V Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1958. 1st XV, 1957. 2nd XI Cricket, 1958. Leading Cadet, R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A",

Parts I and II. Marksman. D. Kirby. 1952-58. Head of School. Head of Grave. Chapel Monitor, 1957. U.VI Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1956. 1st

XV, 1955-56-57 (Cap, 1956-57; Vice-Captain, 1956-57). 1st XI Hockey, 1955-56-57-58 (Cap, 1956-57-58; Vice-Captain, 1957; Captain, 1958). 1st XI Cricket, 1954-55-56-57-58 (Cap, 1955-56-57-58; Captain, 1956-57-58). Durham County Schoolboys' XI, 1954-55-56-57-58 (Captain, 1956-57-58). Durham County XI, 1956-57-58. The Rest v. Southern

Public Schools XI at Lord's, 1957-58 (Captain, 1958). Public Schools

XI v. Combined Services at Lord's, 1957-58 t(Captain, 1958). Squash V, 1954-55-56-57-58 (Colours, 1955-56-57-58; Captain, 1957-58). Tennis VI, 1956-57-58. Chess Team, 1956-58. C.S.M., Cert. "A", Parts I and II.

Efficiency Badge. Marksman. Chapel Committee, 1957-58. Games

Committee, 1956-57-58. Debating Society Committee, 1957-58. Curia

Chairman, 1958. W. I. Macdonald. 1953-58. House Monitor. U.VI Science. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. North Riding Major Scholarship, 1958.

Cox, 2nd IV, 1958. Bronze Medallion, R.L.S.S., 1954. Sgt. i/c R.A. Detachment. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. R.A. Examination, Part I. Efficiency

Badge. 1st Class Shot. School Play, 1957. Y.F.C. Committee, 1956-57;

Vice-Chairman, 1957-58. J. H. Moss. 1954-58. V cc . G.C.E., "0" Level, 1958. Bronze Medallion,

R.L.S.S. Leading Cadet, R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. R.A.F.


S. H. Newbigging. 1954-58. Transitus. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957. Bisley

VIII, 1956-57-58 (Colours) (Vice-Captain, 1958). L/Cpl., Signals Section.

Cert. "A", Part I. Signals Classification. Marksman. J. L. Pilditch. 1955-58. VA. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1958. Cadet, R.N.

Section. Leading Seaman Examination. 2nd Class Shot. Orchestra, 1957-58. R. M. Wheeler. 1953-58. House Monitor. U.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" " Level, 1956; "A" Level, 1958. Northamptonshire Major Scholarship, 1958. Colts XV Captain, 1955. 1st XV, 1957. 1st IV, 1958. Bronze

Medallion, R.L.S.S., 1955. Award of Merit, 1956. Leading Seaman i/c

Rodney Division. •Cert. "A", Part I. Leading Seaman Examination.

P.O. Examination. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. Curia.

THE MANOR J. S. Botterill 1954-58. V Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1958. 2nd XV, 1957. 2nd IV, 1958. R.L.S.S. Bronze Medalion, 1955. Award of Merit, 1956. L/Cpl., Army Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. 1st Class Shot.

Y.F.C. Committee (Secretary, 1957-58). F. H. Dimmey. 1954-58. V Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957-58. L/Cpl.,

Army Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. 1st Class Shot. W. Gibson. 1954-58. House Monitor. Transitus B. "0" Level, 1957. 2nd

XV, 1957 (Colours). 3rd IV, 1958. Captain of Swimming, 1958.

R.L.S.S. Bronze Medallion and Bar, Bronze Cross, Instructor's Certificate,

Award of Merit (2 Bars). Life-guard. A.B., R. N. Section. Proficiency,

Parts I and II. Cert. "A", Part I. 1st Class Shot. Chess Team, 1958. T. M. Jenkinson. 1953-58. Chapel Monitor. U.VI. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. State Scholarship, 1957. Chemistry Prize. 2nd

XI Hockey, 1958. Leading Seaman, R.N. Section. Yeoman of Signals.

Cert. "A", Part I. Proficiency Examination, Parts I and II. Marksman.

Library Monitor. Choir. Curia (Chairman, 1958). Secretary, Debating

Society, 1957. Secretary, Music Society, 1957. Science Society Committee, 1956-57. Y.F.C. Treasurer, 1956-57; Chairman, 1957-58. Chapel

Committee, 1956-57. D. C. Kelly. 1955-58. VA. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1958. Junior Colts XV (Vice-Captain), 1957. A.B., R.N. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. J. M. Lennox. 1952-58. School Monitor. Head of House. L.VI. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956; "A" Level, 1958. North Riding Major Bursary, 1958. 3rd XV, 1956-57. 1st Shooting VIII, 1957-58 (Colours). Cpl. i/c Shooting. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Signals Classification. Efficiency Badge.

Marksman. Individual Shot, 1956. Queen's Scout. A.S.M. G. P. Lowley. 1953-58. House Monitor. L.VI. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956. 3rd XV, 1957. 1st Shooting VIII, 1956-57-58. Bisley, 1957-58. Cpl.,

Army Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. W.T. Instructor. Marksman. . A. Pacitto. 1955-58. Trans. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957. Senior Colts

Cricket, 1956. Cadet, Army Section. Cert. "A", Part I. 1st Class Shot.

R.L.S.S. Bronze Medallion, 1955. . N. Parkin. 1953-58. House Monitor. L.VI. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956; "A" Level, 1958. 1st Shooting VIII, 1957-58. Bisley, 1958. R.L.S.S.

Bronze Medallion, 1956. Cpl., R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II.

R.A.F. Swimming Proficiency, 1956. Marksman. Efficiency Badge.

Individual Shot, 1958. School Play, 1957. M. W. Rudd. 1955-58. VA. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1958. 2nd XI Cricket (Colours), 1958. R.L.S.S. Bronze Medallion, 1955. L/Cpl., Army Section.

Cert. "A", Part I. 1st Class Shot. 19

J. Wood. 1955-58. VA. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1958. A.B., R.N. Section.

Cert. "A", Part I. A.B. and Leading Seaman Examinations. 1st Class


QUEEN'S M. S. Blacker. 1954-58. V Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1958. R.L.S.S.

Bronze Medallion, 1957. L/Cpl. in Army Section. Cert. "A", Parts

I and II. Marksman. A. Dale. 1953-58. L.VI Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956. 2nd XI

Cricket, 1957-58 (Colours) (Vice-Captain, 1958). Leading Cadet in R.A.F.

Section. Cert. "A", Part I. R.A.F. Proficiency. Efficiency Badge. 1st

Class Shot. J. D. Fox. 1953-58. V Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957-58. 2nd Shooting

VIII, 1957. Leading Cadet in R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A", Part I.

R.A.F. Proficiency. Marksman. M. P. Giddings. 1954-58. V Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1958. Cpl. in

R.A. Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. P. S. H. Jesper. 1953-58. House Monitor. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1956; "A" Level, 1958. 2nd XI Hockey, 1957-58. Senior Colts

XI, 1956. Cpl. in Army Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Efficiency

Badge. Marksman. P. H. Moat. 1955-58. V cc . G.C.E., "0" Level, 1958. Senior Colts XI, 1958. R.L.S.S. Bronze Medallion. 1st Class Scout. Choir, 1954-57. B. K. Smith. 1955-58. V Modern. Cox, 5th IV, 1958. L/Cpl. in Army

Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. 1st Class Shot. R. H. Thorp. 1953-58. House Monitor. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956; "A" Level, 1958. 1st XI Hockey, 1957-58. 2nd XI Cricket, 1958 (Colours). F/Sgt., R.A.F. Section. Flying Scholarship, 1957. Pilot's

A Licence, Gliding B Certificate, 1958. Cert. "A", Part I. R.A.F.

Proficiency. Marksman. Chapel Committee. Photographic Society


THE RISE R. R. Baldwin. 1953-58. House Monitor. L.VI Modern. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957-58. 1st XV, 1957 (Cap). 1st XI Hockey, 1958. Queen's Scout. Scouter, 1958 (Assistant). A.B., R.N. Section.

Cert. "A", Part I. Leading Seaman Examination. Marksman. Y.F.C.

Secretary, 1956-57. Chapel Committee. Choir. J. M. Beachell. 1954-58. Trans. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957. Leading Cadet in R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. R.A.F. Proficiency Examination. 2nd Class Shot. D. J. Cook. 1953-58. House Monitor. U.VI Classics. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. 3rd XV, 1956-57. 5th IV, 1958. Fencing Team, 1954-58 (Colours, 1954, 1956-58). Chess Team, 1954-58 (Captain, 1957-58). C.S.M., Army Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Efficiency

Badge. Marksman. Assistant Librarian, 1958. Debating Society

Committee, 1957-58. G. R. Cormack. 1954-58. V Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957. Junior

Colts XV, 1954-55. 2nd XI Cricket, 1958. L/Cpl, Signals Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Classification Examination. 1st Class Shot. J. S. Ibberson. 1953-58. House Monitor. Trans. Science. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1956. 4th IV, 1958. Swimming Team, 1958. R.L.S.S. Awards, 1954-56. Leading Seaman, R.N. Section (i/c Boats). Cert. "A", Part I.

Leading Seaman Examination. P.O. Examination. Bugle Leader.

Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot.

D. B. Irvin. 1952-58. Vice-Head of School. Head of Rise. U.VI Modern.

G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level and Durham County Major Scholarship, 1956. Open Exhibition in English to Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1957. 3rd XV, 1955-57 (Captain, 1957). 1st XI Hockey, 1956 and 1958. 1st

XI Cricket, 1955-58 (Cap and Vice-Captain, 1957-58). Durham Schoolboys' XI, 1957. Sgt. in Army Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II.

Editorial Committee of "The Peterite". Editor of "Oasis". Library

Monitor. Games Committee. Debating Society Committee (Secretary, 1958). Curia (Chairman, 1957). R. S. Rochfort-Hyde. 1954-58. V Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1958. 3rd

IV, 1958. Swimming Team, 1958. R.L.S.S. Award of Merit. A.B. in

R.N. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. A. C. Wilson. 1952-58. House Monitor. U.VI Maths. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1956. State Scholarship, 1957. 3rd XV, 1957. 4th IV, 1958. 2nd Shooting VIII, 1957. Sgt. i/c Signals Section. Cert. "A",

Parts I and II. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. Curia. Library Monitor.

Photographic Society Treasurer, 1956 and 1958. Secretary, 1957.


P. D. Bagshaw. 1955-58. VB. Cadet in Army Section. Cert. "A", Part I. 2nd Class Shot. R. Baxter. 1953-58. School Monitor. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. 1st XV, 1957-58. Lincolnshire Schoolboys' XV, 1957-58. 1st XI Hockey, 1957-58. Lincolnshire Colts XI, 1958. 1st

Shooting VIII, 1956-57-58. Bisley, 1957-58. Swimming Team, 1958.

Sgt. in Army Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Efficiency Badge.

Marksman. Curia (Secretary, 1957). Science Society Committee, 1955-56-57. B. C. R. Butler. 1953-58. School Monitor. Head of School House.

L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956. 1st XV, 1956-57-58. Midland

Counties Schoolboys' XV, 1957-58. 1st Shooting VIII, 1955-56-57-58.

Bisley, 1956-57-58. Schools Hundred Badge (Donnegall Badge), 1957.

Captain of Shooting, 1957-58. Sgt. in Army Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. P. A. Fenton. 1955-58. V Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1958. 4th IV Cox, 1958. R.L.S.S. Bronze Cross, 1957. Cadet in Army Section. Cert. "A",

Part I. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. J. K. Hick. 1953-58. Trans. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957. 2nd Shooting VIII, 1957-58. Bisley, 1957. Cpl. in Signals Section. Cert. "A", Part I.

Signals Classification. AI Signals. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. P. W. Howat. 1954-58. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956; "A" Level, 1958. 3rd IV, 1958. L/Cpl. in R.A. Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II.

Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. School Orchestra, 1954-58. D. G. Macpherson. 1953-58. House Monitor. V Modern. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1957. 1st XV, 1956-57-58 (Cap, 1958). 1st XI Hockey, 1957-58. 1st XI Cricket, 1956-57-58. Squash Team, 1956-57-58 (Colours, 1957-58).

Cpl. in R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. R.A.F. Proficiency.

Marksman. R. W. Peacock. 1954-58. V Modern. Cadet in R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A",

Part I. Marksman. Y.F.C. Committee, 1956-58. School Play, 1954. D. Robinson. 1953-58. School Monitor. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956; "A" Level, 1958. North Riding Major Scholarship, 1958. 2nd XV, 1956-57-58 (Colours, 1957-58). 1st XI Cricket, 1957-58. Fielding Cup, 1957. Cpl. in Army Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Efficiency

Badge. 1st Class Silot.

D. I. Stones. 1953-58. House Monitor. U.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957-58. 3rd XV, 1957. Sgt. in R.A.F. Section.

Cert. "A", Part I. Advanced R.A.F. Proficiency. 1st Class Shot. Music

Society Committee. B. G. Way. 1954-58. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956; "A" Level, 1958. Cpl. in R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. Advanced R.A.F.

Proficiency. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. Fencing Team, 1957-58.

Music Society Committee. Natural History Society Committee (Secretary, 1958). Choir Librarian, 1957-58. D. A. Wilson. 1953-58. House Monitor. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956; "A" Level, 1958. West Riding Exhibition, 1958. 3rd XV, 1957.

Captain of Boats, 1958. 1st Shooting VIII. R.L.S.S. Bronze Medallion, 1955. L/Sgt. in Army Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Efficiency

Badge. Marksman. Chapel Committee. J. V. H. Worsley. 1957-58. L.Sh.A.

TEMPLE I. 0. Barry. 1953-58. L.VI Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956; "A" Level, 1958. 2nd IV, 1958 (1st Colours). Leading Cadet, R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. R.A.F. Proficiency. 1st Class Shot. R. W. Bentley. 1954-58. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956; "A"

Level, 1958. A.B. in R.N. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. A.B., Leading

Seaman and P.O. Examinations. 1st Class Shot. Secretary, Photographic

Society, 1957-58. R. N. Bradford. 1953-58. House Monitor. U.VI Modern. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1956-57. 3rd XV, 1957. 3rd IV, 1958 (2nd

Colours). Corporal, R.A.F. Section. R.A.F. Clerk and Instructor. Cert. "A", Part I. R.A.F. Proficiency and Advanced Proficiency Certificates.

R.A.F. Swimming Proficiency. 2nd Class Shot. Library Monitor. I. R. Fairweather. 1954-58. V Modern. R.N. Section. Cert. "A", Part I.

A.B. Examination. K. Gosling. 1952-58. House Monitor. U.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1956. York City Major Scholarship, 1958. F/Sgt., R.A.F.

Section. N.C.O. i/c Parade Attendances. Cert. "A", Part I. R.A.F.

Proficiency and Advanced Proficiency Certificates. R.A.F. Swimming Proficiency. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. Editor of "The Peterite". Science

Society Committee, Treasurer, 1957-58. Music Society Committee. Debating

Society Committee. Natural History Society Committee, Secretary, 1957.

School Play, 1954. M. F. Grainger. 1955-58. V Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1958. Senior

Scout. P. G. Hamilton. 1953-58. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956; "A"

Level, 1958. Ninth Man, 2nd VIII, 1958. Leading Cadet, R.A.F. Section.

Cert. "A", Part I. Proficiency. Marksman. Committee of "Oasis". J. R. Humpherson. 1954-58. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956; "A" Level, 1958. North Riding Major Bursary, 1958. Leading Seaman,

R.N. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. A.B., Leading Seaman and P.O.

Examinations. 1st Class Shot. J. V. Littlewood. 1952-58. House Monitor. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1955-56. 3rd XV, 1957. Sgt., Army Section. C.Q.M.S., 1957-58. .Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. T. Piercy. 1952-58. House Monitor. L.VI Science. G.C'.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957-58. Cpl., R.A.F. Section, i/c R.A.F. Stores.

Cert. "A", Part I. R.A.F. Proficiency. 1st Class Shot. School Play, 1954-55.

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