2 minute read
The Appeal
from May 1959
by StPetersYork
First let us welcome H. J. Balfour, our only new-corner this term, and also congratulate D. E. Rayner on his appointment as a School Monitor. We were pleased to find No. 18 Clifton, the latest acquisition, allotted to us. The Quiet Room particularly has been appreciated.
E. S. Bolton started us off well by winning the General Knowledge Prize for the second time. He is to be heartily congratulated, as are the others who did well. Hockey has flourished for a change. R. L. Evans and L. H. K. Mackay won their 1st XI colours; T. D. J. Layfield has turned professional as captain of the 2nd X1, joined this term by W. J. Bottomley, who was awarded his colours, and occasionally A. Gomersall. On the river the Senior Crew did very well to get to the final, where they lost narrowly to Rise. The Junior Crew was defeated early on.
Our best positions in the Cross-country were 4th, 9th, 13th, and 14th, fine efforts by R. L. Evans, who wielded the whip, L. H. K. Mackay, C. Henwood, and P. A. Crossley. As a team we were 2nd, and for his efforts in this race and other activities C. Henwood was awarded his House colours. Our Chess and Squash teams lost disappointingly early in their competitions. Athletics, which most find more pleasant to review than to anticipate, showed us how unfit we were. But in the Standards we amassed enough points to come 2nd, and in the Athletics we were placed 4th, despite the distinguished efforts of L. H. K. Mackay, U. A. Alexander, J. G. C. Wheeler, and others.
Owing to the many other activities only one meeting of the Debating Society was held, but the year will be ended with at least one more next term. Among the other activities have been Trial Examinations, which most prefer to forget, The Messiah and The Science Exhibition. We played our part, and these are reported elsewhere. However, we must mention that P. A. Crossley's Machine, which intrigued all, is now in pieces, despite attempts to keep it as a Museum Piece.
House Proms have ended another good season, although unfortunately developing into Classical Concerts only.
So ends a more enjoyable Easter Term than most. Seven "Pots" remain, but it is worth noting that we have been more successful in events requiring the efforts of many, rather than of one individual. May it continue.
Two things stand out above all else this term. The first is that the Manor welcomed Mr. Dodds as Housemaster to replace Mr. Le Tocq, and the second is that the House won the Athletics Shield for the first time in its history.