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The Debating Society

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COMMITTEE : Master-in-Charge: MR. D. G. Cummrx. President: N. R. BARTON. Vice-President: D. L. BROWN. D. L. BROWN. (Leader). D. L. SLADE (Leader). J. N. HANSON , (Sec.)




This term we welcomed a new President, Mr. N. R. Barton. The term started with the Vice-President's party in power. Fourteen new members were elected at an Extraordinary Meeting at the beginning of term.

The first full meeting was held on 3rd October. The motion before an open house was "This House does not wish to meet the man in the moon". Mr. D. L. Brown, proposing, felt that the journey to the moon would be most uncomfortable and hazardous. In opposing the motion, Mr. J. 0. Armstrong considered the astronomical benefits gained on reaching the moon. The motion was carried by 66 votes to 50 with 19 abstentions, the respective seconders having been Mr. F. D. Lavender and Mr. M. W. Territt.

The second meeting was held on 17th October. D. R. Cailey, Esq., proposed that "This House deplores modern politics in Britain". He first stated that, because of the large Conservative majority at the recent General Election, the country supported the Conservatives' views, and he then attacked the Conservatives with great vigour. In opposing, Mr. D. L. Slade supported the Conservatives and praised the modern attitude towards politics. The speakers were seconded by Mr. E. S. Bolton and Mr. D. E. Coulson. This very exciting motion was carried by 24 votes to 23 with 9 abstentions.

The next meeting was held on 31st October. Mr. E. M. H. Ranson rose to propose that "This House believes that the next 50 years will not be more miserable than the last". He described, very movingly, the horrors of the last 50 years and pointed out that the recent easing of world tension promised well for the future. Mr. P. Collins, opposing the motion, dealt with ever present economic instability. The seconders were Mr. S. D. Baker and Mr. J. J. Rhodes. The motion was carried by 40 votes to 17 with 2 abstentions.

On 14th November the motion before the House was that "This House does not consider that modern youth is symbolised by Soccer 16

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